mercredi 8 juillet 2009

You'll Never be Young TWICE

"What is he doing?"
"Maybe he erases a sad memory ..."
"To erase unpleasant memories, you must write them on a sheet. Then you burn the sheet and memories disappear. "

-- I'd like to erase what happened today. --


"You are in tenth grade, right? So there is still time. Drop the entrance examination for Ondaï and only play the piano as a hobby. Choose a different path because as a pianist, you will not progress anymore."

Then the girl gives up her dreams to the ghosts of her past and it remains an empty shell, an incompetent zombie, who will spend his entire life in a perfect unconsciousness. All this is an escape from reality.
And the boy who could hear the negative thoughts about him from his fellow students will commit suicide probably the same way. (remember : Jeremy)

We become adults the day we give up the most precious things. We establish a compromise with reality and persuade ourselves to have what we deserve. So is our life: a loss and the illusion of not have it suffered.

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