dimanche 26 avril 2015

(Isn't this true for everybody?, but some people aren't just aware of that power in them.)

When you'll have full confidence in yourself, you'll be one of the most wonderful person to be around to. Because you have an ability to dispense energy, now it's on you to make it only positive. And there are a lot of people like that. This is something i believe in.

lundi 20 avril 2015

A pinch of philosophy, food to think, only because we lost the sense of who we are, to be happy one must not be identified to his thoughts, in fact we shouldn't use our brains:

Be you learning, or playing, or working, it's only spending your time. Truth is the only thing we really want, the true sense of life for everyone is inner peace, and this goes through a psychological comprehension for a return to being, everything else is not serious, everything else is filling up and finaly has no importance, because no incidence on who we are, it's for everyone to choose, but the serenity of being in each one of us is already there, immutable, infinite, immortal, we simply must allow ourselves to see the path that leads there.

jeudi 9 avril 2015

“There is no beauty in sadness. No honor in suffering. No growth in fear. No relief in hate. It’s just a waste of perfectly good happiness.”

mercredi 1 avril 2015

I think, everyone is free to make one's own choices, but to make choices in harmony with who we are and our personal values we have to know and be aware of every piece of information, of every factor in a set situation, or in a concept (in addition to knowing oneself).

Who controls these factors by their diffusion, the secret, or the transformation, can, in a certain way, control people's behaviors.

Morality, if you want to be true and choose what is best for you (in the goal to be happy) then you should inform yourself, you should dig out information to get closer and closer to the truth behind everything, just educate yourself.