jeudi 27 février 2014

How could i still spread the text and the poetry of desperate love or any kind of lack, well-knowing that it is not my truth anymore, i would have the impression i'm betraying myself and anyone that could hear me, what is left for me to touch someone, only one, and ignite in the other the envy to know the me, peeled and vivid, here, where there's nothing to gain, and nothing to lose, and no need to have any impact but just a shared sincerity between me and you.

lundi 10 février 2014

Everyone likes (and dislikes) by what one can understand, by the stereotypes in one's brain. The fake sense of self (the ego) creates those stereotypes, at its base it has the purpose to help us function, to remember, to learn and not make the same mistake twice. But when we finally end up acting up to those preset thoughts in our every move, without the light of consciousness, without constantly questioning and reasoning those thoughts (to recondition ourselves and align again with our non-judgmental, ever-loving Being, like when we are born), then we lose ourselves in a world of judgements, sides to be part of and ennemies (good or bad, pretty or ugly...). And that is detrimental (negative) for each and everybody. Be aware.

(That's also why, i think, after some years living on this planet amongst others, our corrupted mind is seemingly naturally attracted to mediocrity)

mercredi 5 février 2014

On the manipulation of groups and collective places.

Here's something that was making me feel uneasy for most of my life, and i just now figured it out why is that.

From a young age i could never participate in any group activities or go to collective places, the reason is simple, you are expected to behave, to act specific ways, you are constantly under the influence of others, think about it, in bars, at school, at a restaurant, in sport clubs, at the swiming pool, at the theater, at the hospital, in the bus, at the museum, in any shop there is, at work, and so on.... , there are rules that you have to submit to, you're framed.
In my mind it means it's impossible to be true to oneself in those places and situations, you're not allowed to be real, your behaviors, your words must be contained, even if you individually act and speak under good and positive values and that it's totally harmless for anyone, you've got the weight of rules and expectations on your shoulders, you can't let yourself be,
(example : at a concert you're expected to be cheerful and dance around, but what if i just like to stand still and watch at the hands of the musicians to assess their techniques and moves, i'll be seen as someone out of place and bizarre because i don't seem to enjoy myself, which will be totally untrue from my point of view because i like watching musicians play instead of jumping around like a crazy animal),
and so personally i feel manipulated, controlled, repressed, by the vibes, the stare of others, the silent reproaches of organizers and leaders, who want for a good night out that everyone acts according to plan.
I felt that from a very young age, i think i'm a free spirit, i prefer to act on my own depending on my emotions, my instincts, i prefer building my values and my opinions, and not having something or someone telling me what to do, how to act, and what to say, so naturally i feel i don't match in all of those societal places.

I engage everyone of you to think about it and get your own opinion about what you feel while being entirely directed by the rules of a place, or a group.