mardi 3 février 2009

When the need hurts

I am sad and frustrated sometimes because I want things I could never have; in this case one must either rationalize and learn to be content with what he has, or put his energy into getting what he wishes; it is futile to rant, to get excited, to hate the world and harm onself by turning this rage against us. I think the frustration is the basis of the greatest despairs among human beings, whether it is a material frustration, a lack of ability or a need of affection; the absence, the frustration, the need is what predominantly leads people to lose control of themselves in anger or sadness.

4 commentaires:

  1. I am sad and frustrated for similar reasons, I can relate to your thoughts and feelings about this matter. It is, in my opinion based on my own experiences and observations of others, human nature to constantly want things that we cannot attain.
    I like how you suggested that to prevent this "despair" a person needs to "put his energy into getting what he wishes." I think that's a little counterproductive sometimes.
    I think sometimes I decided that it is best to want the things that I am more certain I can eventually have.
    For example, if had a dream to be an artist I would put my energy into creating work and engulfing myself in the art crowd instead of putting my energy into wishing I can have my own studio.
    I do not wish for things I believe I will never have because that is a waste of potential, a waste of my energy and heart.

    I think you're right, it seems that this human un-satisfaction is the main reason for our sorrows.
    Some things I can never have, some things I can if I work hard and stay motivated. But I believe that also some things that I dream for I secretly do not wish to become a reality because that would bring an end to the feeling of wanting and craving.
    Like a child that dreams about the toy train he saw through the store window before the holidays, if he's lucky to receive that for a present he will be happy for a while. But that happiness will stop because he will soon be tired of the toy, his excitement will end because the anticipation would take away all the energy.

    I don't think this means that human beings are weak or at a disadvantage because they have a need for affection.
    I say frustrations make us stronger individuals, make us question reality and seek truth.

  2. I'm agree with you! and the desire to have something who create more amount of emotions than the real deal, i think that's true!
    Yeah we gain conciousness, knowledge by the same process of frustration but if we were able to enjoy fresh air and clean water we will be the happier creatures on earth, well i know we're a whole, it's stupid just wanting to take a small part of what makes a human being, but as i suffer too much of my lack of satisfaction i cling to this maxim : "happy the simple minded, the sky realm belongs to them", it's strange, it's like a wish to be totally dumb or being autistic or trisomic, living in my own world full of bliss, no mischiefs, no thoughts, no emotions... just floating and smiling at the present time!
    SSHH I wanna break the rusty cage of my brain even if that turns me into a psychopath ah ah ah; i want to get rid of my passion, i'm gonna try some drugs, medicine; the government wants that for me as i am an outcast, a loner. (oups i haven't realize but that post gonna be extremely long and extremely dark, i think it's 4 in the morning i haven't slept yet and i'm so overwhelmed by my own misery that i did'nt notice i was totally drowning in)
    OK STOP!

  3. I remember this maxim, you sure believe in it strongly.
    To be honest, your response saddens me greatly. The "simple minded" are just ignorant or oblivious people, they may seem happy but that appearance of happiness comes from a lack of knowledge and/or experience.
    Perhaps I am too harsh on ignorance, but I believe that ignorance is NOT bliss.

    I wish I could convince you to hold your passions, to let yourself dream and continue questioning what you perceive and analyze life. Most importantly, I wish you could continue to self reflect and nurture your passions instead of using your reasoning to discover an end to the said passions.

    Just because you're a loner doesn't mean you need to cease thinking and feeling and most importantly dreaming.
    Dream when you're awake, dream when reality doesn't satisfy you. Don't dream to stop dreaming.
    I don't mean to give you advice or intrude, your response just worries me.

    Go On


  4. "Happiness is real only in sharing", when you have nobody to share what you are with, your life really has no sense at all.
    I'm not depressed because i'm not the kind of person who's touched by depression but i currently believe in the "no sense" of my actual life.
    I think i could add a note on my post : I have too much expectations for this world and i'm hugely frustrated when it doesn't turn on the way my reasonning has planned.
    Yeah another epithet to qualify myself : "egocentrical paranoid magalomaniac"
    ok i love exagerate too, that's my "boderline side".
    You dont have to worry for me, there is no reason.
