mercredi 29 décembre 2010
pretend i'm a poet
give a better life to myself
life's always prettier and stronger in unreality
i want at least that
the power to intoxicate me with words
sweep away the soul eaters
pull to me the delight and pleasure of ten lifetimes,
abuse the puppets born from the tip of my fingers
all this tenure, all this joy
all for me
Hail! to me
i am my own master,
the king of mind masturbation.
what a dream, what an illusion.
so good
is not for me to tell anymore
No control over my feelings
I would have been so good with that girl
I'm a ghost on the sidewalks
evaporating elsewhere
i wish to break all barriers
and all i do is closing windows
panting my heart out
I would have been so good with that girl
if only i wasn't
dimanche 26 décembre 2010
I thought i was lying on my back, under the sheets, in the big double size bed, the muscles of my naked torso sharp and pumped up, i turn the head on my left side, i see you, lying on your back too, your forearm grazing mine, in your neat underwear and a thin cotton shirt, we are both all sweaty, i can see your skin by transparency where the cloth is wet, you turn your head too, you watch me, you smile, blushing but with a lustful shine in your eyes, it excites me, and you slowly climb on my body, rubbing, pressing the closest you can, leaning on me, staring at me, challenging me, then i clutch your palms in mine, i shackle you, and swiftly but softly turn you and press your back on the matress, i'm the one leaning on you now, our arms stretched over our heads, i hold on the clutch, you're my prisoner, and i murmur, confident, all my licencious thoughts, i'm gently smiling, you didn't drop your lacivious smile and the sparkles in your glance seem stronger, i'm ready to act on my desires, take on your body, make it my feast, rising to delight, and in a brief moment i release my delicate grip on your hands, as i want to let you the choice to protect yourself, cross your arms on your chest, shove me off of you, for that little moment i wait, you are free, and my heart swells as you don't move, i feel that unspeakable peace in that moment where we are, both willingly, now as one.
vendredi 24 décembre 2010
and the sweetness of milk too,
a drop sweating down the glass,
or the roundness of the moon,
i like the shimmering waves of hair
and the cuddly wind over dunes too,
i like...
i love your visage and your shape,
the pale blue and the porcelain white on you,
the infinity of your keenness is truth
and all is sensuality to me now
ever since i know you
mercredi 22 décembre 2010
the Everyday lack
Again this morning
I transpose myself
I dive in those places
blurry and dark
Again, again.
Again and again
i stare at those tight hands
as if they could linger on my skin
make me an Apollon
I focus on those lips
and my mouth salivates
to feel the softness
and warmth
of my lips against hers
I want to wave frantically
to distract the suave reserve
the sullen glance she throws at the ground
Lift your head, Watch me, i'm here
for you
Please, Don't dream away
Come snuggle in my arms
Again and again
i stare and i muse
And the skin i want to caress
i want to kiss every square
And the ears i want to murmur
all my dirty fantasies
for her to dispose of me
And her hair i want to smell
smell her from bottom to top
from top to bottom
I want to hide in her body
to make it my secret place
the garden where i can get lost
and only me know the path to delight
i can't control the desire i feel
it's always you
Again and again.
Let me tell you the stories of that love.
mardi 21 décembre 2010
shuffle the traces
You got nothing back
and you don't want to make an effort anymore
They aren't bad persons
They simply don't think about you
You thought but never acted
You were smiling but in yourself with them
It's confusing now, who didn't want
Maybe you...
You were waiting for the imperious motive
Change yourself, be more clear with what you want
And don't blame others
They acted like your communication pushed them to
Unconsciously you wanted to stay solid
Now everything's changing
Think about them, will they think about you
Too bad,
I'm already set.
lundi 20 décembre 2010
You, who are you
You the one who will accept and naturally gives the trust, the truth, your truth, you who will be able by your true self to make me feel i can trust fully, who will turn me irremediably trustful, you who will make me feel trusted, and loved.
jeudi 16 décembre 2010
leading my path

Right here, Right now i'm ready to give all for one.
I'm not directed at a body; a body, any body does the same job, any body has the same features, women are made the same, and men too, the body isn't what makes us unique, we are interchangeable, i think i fall in love with a mind, a personality, if i knew what to do with a body i would be able to take the pleasure out of it, and i would take it from any body, if i knew how to feel that mindless carnal joy i would wander like a bee from flower to flower sucking out all the liquorous pleasure i can take;
Can i be awaken, unleashed.
Is that a woe, is that. What is, what i could be or what i am.
What i am makes me feel inferior and abused.
What i could be is a despicable sex tyrant.
mercredi 15 décembre 2010
Snippets of Walden
dimanche 12 décembre 2010
Caligula - Albert Camus
"Caligula, a relatively kind prince so far, realizes on the death of Drusilla, his sister and his mistress, that "men die and they are not happy." Therefore, obsessed by the quest for the Absolute and poisoned by contempt and horror, he tries to exercise, through murder and systematic perversion of all values, a freedom which he discovers in the end is no good. He rejects friendship and love, simple human solidarity, good and evil. He takes the word of those around him, he forces them to logic, he levels all around him by force of his refusal and by the rage of destruction which drives his passion for life.
But if his truth is to rebel against fate, his error is to deny men. One cannot destroy without destroying oneself. This is why Caligula depopulates the world around him and, true to his logic, makes arrangements to arm those who will eventually kill him. Caligula is the story of a superior suicide. It is the story of the most human and the most tragic of errors. Unfaithful to man, loyal to himself, Caligula consents to die for having understood that no one can save himself all alone and that one cannot be free in opposition to other human beings."
samedi 11 décembre 2010
i don't like what i write...i don't like what i am...
i'm depressed
i need to feel out of Olia (through something, someone not related to her)
i'm competing against all the writers, all the artists, all that feels, all that make her feel, to get her affection, and i'm tired, i can't win against that much.
mysterious and engaging.
He is quick and witty,
Always speaking the right word,
to make you feel you're his.
He is stylish in his dark tones clothes,
chosing by himself what you'll have choosen for him
He's breathing joy,
sure, proud and compassionate.
you feel the tingling in your being when he reaches your lips
when he's not in sight, he's still the one you move for,
He worships your body and smiles to all the girls.
He sees you, you're the center.
People encense him, you feel privileged to know him,
to melt in him.
He is successful, wealth in both hands,
he offers you what's most precious you think,
He is soft, we see
kind and strong, he is made to please.
He is one
He is here
He is close to you
i see
He is, the one you love.
nothing else
those words to empower me.
Sometimes i believe she understands
that my sadness is in the non existence.
There's a well people throw rocks in
and that is what define me
Sometimes i wish i think and she says
for i won't have to disclose anything anymore
Sometimes i plan i'll try hatred sincerely
to justify my point on this life
There's a foul will in me to release
that will happily turn me forgetful
and Sometimes i wish her to say
that she will always be!
So i can say : "no you won't!"
vendredi 10 décembre 2010
jeudi 9 décembre 2010
i live it that way
"It takes a hundred miles of love
To heal a mile of pain
I never say goodbye to the scene
And I never blow out a flame
And I got
White lies for dark times and I don't need your crutch
I'm kicking out stained glass windows and I'm
Tender to the touch
Shimmer and shine
We leave it all behind
Shimmer and shine
When you tell me that you're mine
Shimmer and shine, shimmer and shine
Bring me the music for the revolution
It puts my mind at ease, to know
We're the problem, we're the solution
The cure and the disease
But life is trying to force me
Force me to trust
I've done all I can
I do what I must
Shimmer and shine
We leave it all behind
Shimmer and shine
When you tell me that you're mine"
ben harper
(I hear you are getting away, forgeting me, leaving me alone, so, i take fright,
throw a drama and cry "stay with me i can't live without you",
that's how it works, it's lame and childish, i know!, how many sulks yet
until you get bored for good. )
"undefined" is your word, it has been mine previously to you and i'm taking it back again.
the reverse awakening
"hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me"
mercredi 8 décembre 2010
bumping into myself
mardi 7 décembre 2010
the weight of obsession
lundi 6 décembre 2010
trust and detachment
Tell me if ever i hurt you by what i say or do.
Snippets of Walden
"Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the god he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man's features, any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them."
"The squirrels also grew at last to be quite familiar, and occasionally stepped upon my shoe, when that was the nearest way."
"the imagination give it the least license, dives deeper and soars higher than Nature goes."
dimanche 5 décembre 2010
Writers on the road.
My mind is full of shit! when i see you i know for sure that you are honest in your gestures and stare, things that can't deceive, but as soon as we part and let some time pass my mind screams "Lies!" and "Betrayal!"
I'm exposed now clearly to that defect of my education.
The doubt! Even if there's a tiny insignificant chance that something happen, that i will be fooled, my mind considers it and forces me to be focused on it, as anything is ever perfect and sure in this world, i'm then constantly insecure. Whatever i'm confronted to i will doubt, will it be the heavenly speech as well.
Skin Thin
You can finally learn to be a child"
---An emotive kid, always taking everything too seriously, no place for games, innocence and carelessness, every little words pondered, reflected, assimilated, always hurt for the curse of not knowing how to detach himself, not knowing to just taking it easy, just taking it and leave, leave the rest to rot----
"But the day seems so long"
--- when you have nothing to do, no rules, no strict routines, no friends available, and mostly the person who understands you the most isn't close----
"Blood again
It's all I can do to hold on"
---Wallowing in self pity, learning to enjoy the sadness, yeah it's all i can do to pass the days, tame the pain of being lonely, with one obsession in my mind, one dream, one utopia, watching my doom like sand falling through my fingers and trying to catch it again and again and again ,"you idiot kid"---
"Always knew if (i) didn't have (the) other
(i)'d have nothing at all"
---When in love all is transposed to the other, nothing is left of me, if the person disapears i'm empty, that's how i love, that's extreme, that's unique, i don't know how to share myself, i don't cut myself in pieces, it's all for one, that's how i love---
"But you were always brave enough
To live like you can never fall"
---Others are strong enough to stand back again because they keep themselves for themselves, nothing can be stolen or so few, a tv, a car or a pet, i own nothing except myself when i'm alone and free, when i gave myself away there's no way i can be brave enough to build back from nothingness, you can go on, i envy you---
"Good friends behind me
But ghosts up ahead for miles and miles"
---an emotional person will drag along ghosts in fluries, more than his share to torment him every day, please, true love, make me forget, make me blind, make me happy as a fool---
Act 3 scene 5
- "Is it my fault if i'm not hurt" she talked.
- " ........"
He knew it was the end of him.
mercredi 1 décembre 2010
Let it flow
Let is pass
That's a work in progress
I got a new vision
Back, back, back
Way back
In the ruins
That's where i start
A new chapter
Intellectual matters finally aren't vital so there's no need for you to leave your situation, i can't bring you security and my mind for you to absorb is disposable through internet.
mardi 30 novembre 2010
flash of lucidity...
i know what's going on
i know what's going on
i can't stop it
i'm uninterested
my chances of salvation are fading away
Closeness, all cut and torn, it's falling slush today!
Stop holding that cord
Have you so much will to suffer
What are your choices
The more you think the more you want to die
Stab the snakepit
This life's a (senseless) tragedy.
(i need affection... affection is not making love, it's crying in someone else's arms safely, i'm so fragile lately, what thought will keep me strong)
lundi 29 novembre 2010
i don't know, really
Is it just me, or is it
just us
Feeling lost in this world?
Why do we have to hurt each other?
Why do we have
to shed tears?
Life can be beautiful if you try
Life can be joyful if we try
Tell me
I am not alone
Tell me we are not alone in this world fighting against the wind
Do you
remember the time when simple things made you happy
Do you remember the time when simple things
made you laugh
You know life can be simple
You know life is simple
Because the
best thing in life is yet to come
Because the best is yet to come"
What i wrote is mainly strong and edgy, violent and tense, dark and touchy, i think, but i swear to everyone reading me, what's in my head, what pounds my muscles when i feel is way beyond of anything i can lay down in black letters.
My feelings are too strong that's why it spills over and i display it with all the means to my disposition, playing tricks and control, but keep in mind people that it's hard for me to confess and that what goes through me is stronger and higher than what it seems, if you think my writings already go too far, just imagine where my mind goes when i feel directly on the moment, love and hate are the two wings of my swirling torments.
samedi 27 novembre 2010
a Vision of Self
Crying for
Moreover, i think even the sensitive ones who need a lot of affection and try to catch it by scouting and soaking up the surroundings relentlessly, they won't accept that someone they feel for doesn't belong entirely to them, the dilema is here : you want everybody to love only you, but you want yourself to love everybody. If everyone wants that, then Love is impossible.
"a good woman"
eyes, wants to taste all the suavity of men, and made own the places of debauchery, it's so sad? i think, is it?, that woman we talked about got his life, spent it in reveries, reaching highs through simplicity, a kitten rolling a ball of wool, a flower standing out of a sooty wall, seeing beauty out of her mind, wet leaves decorating a sidewalk or a sweet wild strawberry hidden in the grass she would have taken the pain and pleasure to discover crouched in the dew, now, dusk is covering her, is it sad? really?, i think, that woman, so open to the world that her very self became unimportant, has so much love to give, so much that even the most cruel misfortunes and injustices didn't drained her of the passion. Who wouldn't admire such a woman. Who?! So, is it sad?
if it is, then my life is.
vendredi 26 novembre 2010
(small try, something different, something of a rejected wish, of an uncontrolled choice)
(it's difficult to write without knowledge)
Spacing out
Black and white, an anonymous face in a tiny frame.
"You idiot" he whispers,You must be so lost to see your love in a square of commonality.
Open window
mercredi 3 novembre 2010
(At the time i wrote this, i didn't know you weren't waiting... and liking it to the core)
jeudi 7 octobre 2010
I can't live amongst humans!

I can't live amongst humans, as long as they are so angry, they don't know how to communicate their emotions, griefs and joys gently, keep that burst under control and disarm all conflicts by speaking clear, honest and nicely, many people are just too erratic, they have no power on themselves, on the turmoil of their many emotions and when they lose it they just shout, attack, anything to calm it down, the problem is within them, talk clearly and kindly, use empathy, and every predicament can be fixed for the best of everyone implied, when someone knocks at your door barking, with a black stare, how can you stay indolent, smiling and nice, i sure can't, when people attack me i simply want to kill, it's scary in both ways because to someone who will expose his problem with me in the purpose to find a suitable solution for everyone, with kindness and poise, i will make the best effort and search too the best solution, we could be friends and leave on a smile, confronted to the opposite reaction, the direct aggression, i could kill or get killed in the process to kill someone, people are really fucked up at the core and they are driving me crazy through their lack of respect.
jeudi 30 septembre 2010
The slow Doze of our free will to be happy and one
we are lazy, we choose easiness, it requires a blast in every mind, like a distorted guitare chord, to awake to that sea of possibilities.
dimanche 26 septembre 2010
a soothing smile vs the shame of uncontrollable disclosing
So, we are chattering, she teases me sometimes on the straightness of my assumptions, i claim being tolerant but i put people in boxes with labels, all coated with my bitterness, she teases, she plays and i assume we both smile; suddenly, because of my bad position i lay my fingers randomly on the keyboard, on one of those pre-recorded keys that display an entire phrase, i typed : "i love you", a mistake my mind cries, something forbidden, i didn't want to cut the conversation with those serious words, quick i'm trying to explain, my hand slipped i didn't mean that, but i keep doing errors while typing, i can't get a correct sentence, i'm getting annoyed, i stand my bust straight in front of the computer, but no mean i'm still too nervous to type a decent line of apologies, i can't clear it up, and my heartbeats race as i see she's commenting that last line of mine, i'm ashamed that my unconscious revealed itself and now she knows and will go away, this link will be too demanding to preserve, we come from two different worlds; i read she teases me again, saying "and another stereotyped expression by François", but i can still feel the smile behind that reproach, i'm panicking but she hasn't changed the way she is at all, did she know i was under a spell, she seems so sure of herself, and what i remember is her acceptance smile.
Time to awake, like a nightmare will do.
mardi 21 septembre 2010
Butter it down
Spread the blackout.
Maybe that way my life will lose its importance enough for me to be more free.
lundi 20 septembre 2010
Why, i can't be normal!
I'm tired of being wrong, carefullness is my doom right now.
Romance is everwhere in our modern world, in the dumbest, in the smartest movie, in every schoolyard, in every association of people, in every street, i feel like a left over, no one even ever tried me.
dimanche 19 septembre 2010
Disconnecting is such a burden.
mardi 14 septembre 2010
lundi 13 septembre 2010
This will be my legacy
mercredi 25 août 2010
A Projection Problem
mercredi 14 juillet 2010
Once upon a time...
This will go down in the History of my life.
(all messy after a long walk)
(my camera is broken... i wanted to speak it... )
"You know how there is only one -particular- woman in every man's life."
(My Mom used to say something like that)
In a mind i'm an idealized image, in reality i'm that thing, we react on fiddled imagination, reality is ugly.
jeudi 8 juillet 2010
lundi 5 juillet 2010
In me i'm lost
"I don't look in the mirror
I don't like what I see staring back at me
Everything is clearer
I'll never see what you see
It's not me
So beautiful and free
I'll never be what you need
Can't help at all
I was born so beautiful
But now I'm ugly
And I rot in my skin
As a piece of me dies everyday
I know I'm nothing
I know there's nothing I can say
To change
The judegment in their ways
I'll never be what you need
Can't help at all
My love was so beautiful
But now I'm ugly
I'm good enough, but I don't care
I'm good enough, but I'm not there
I'm good enough, but I don't care
The sun is out, but I'm not there
I'm good enough, but I don't care
The sun is out, but I'm not there
I'm good enough
I'm good enough
I don't look in the mirror
I don't like what I see staring back at me
Everything is clearer
I'll never see what you see
And I rot in my skin
As a piece of me dies everyday
I know I'm nothing
Because I'm ugly"
samedi 3 juillet 2010
the Beast
Sure, moods and needs rarely match perfectly, and i don't want someone to do concessions on one's envies for me, i want sincerity, even from those who don't care for me, even those who could toughly push me away, what's important is the need of an instant. i want things simple and practical for everyone to reach out for his own bliss.
do you
go on
i want love upholding, and not a matter of suffering.
love is a beast
jeudi 1 juillet 2010
Near nothing
fast and savage.
(teenage angst in me:)
"le pessimiste doit s'inventer chaque jour d'autre raisons d'exister : c'est une victime du "sens" de la vie" emile cioran
Active learning low
I would have enjoyed so much to propose you to go see a movie, or visit a place, or eating at a random restaurant, or anything new and simple, just to share the pleasure of novelty with you (nothing fancy i fear, though my mind isn't shut to bungee jump from a bridge or riding a full speed jet ski, or whatever daring and wild ... holding you tight), the simplicity of new experiences with your companionship.
This will enrich even more our communications and
despite all my self hatred,
this is something i crave,
being with you in space and time, in the fluctuations, the informations, and choices of one instant.
vendredi 25 juin 2010
The Journey
mercredi 16 juin 2010
wipe threats to reach out
-others want, like us, being understood and heard, they want sharings
-to give to others we have to feel safe
-if we feel tense, in danger our body and mind withdraw on themselves to protect themselves
-so if we want to share, be charismatic to attract others, we have to be confident, because others can feel fears and insecurities, it's the animal instinct we have all
In definitive it's a natural reaction to preserve ourselves that can isolate us from our fellow humans
mardi 15 juin 2010
Better being alive in the pit of hell
lundi 14 juin 2010
(one can respect every trees, every animals, every humans, on the planet, but he has to create a link to feel something for one out of the bunch.)
dimanche 13 juin 2010
Erotic Certainty (trace of a powerful feeling of security)
Like all fantasies it was as it must be to be enjoyed fully;
No emphatic, pompous, reccurent place :
a yellow lighted and painted kitchen; i was sleeping on the tiled floor with a blanket in front of the fridge, on the rough.
No music, no ceremonial, no counterfeited atmosphere!
No pressure, not one anguish, only the fluently trust and natural behavior of two persons free of all fears and complexes :
dressed in her commonly sexy shorts, fitting the warm sun entering by the sole window and calling for joy, lighted feelings.
No imposing, no moral, no questions, everything so sincere, free and evident :
still lying flat on my back and kind of awaking softly in the knowingly pleasing morning, she simply barged in the room, smiling like it is the only way she can be when she's close to me, she precipitates in one move, takes off her shirt, crawls under the thin blanket and clutches me, her bust on mine, a leap of faith, but radiant, believing truly in my catch, (at that moment i'm striked by the certitude that she does it because she wants it, she feels it, and she can do it countless times, leaving, far, near, a long time a short time, and coming back with the same bliss elightening her face) and i see her fluttering around, i swear i can hear all the ideas and the many worlds in her mind, my confidence is entirely for her because i'm sure that she is free to go everywhere she wants, to think, to act, to materialize all that is important for her, and in the immensity of the possibilities she possesses, that sheer intelligence and talent, that wild character and independence, in all the quality of her person, i read it my place, as the link to the motor of her life.
No need to oppress, nor possess! The obvioussness of our mutual belonging is what tied us without forcing any of our actions, or thoughts.
dimanche 23 mai 2010
Blue light (not my words*)
In my best friend's room
There's a blue light
In his eye
There's a blue light, yeah
I want to see it
There's a ship
That sails by my window
There's a ship that sails on by
There's a world under it
I think I see it
Sailing away
I think it's sailing
Miles crashing me by
Crashing me by
Crashing me by
There's a world
Outside my doorstep
Flames over
Everyone's hot
Don't you see them shining
I want to hear them
Beating for me
I think I hear them
Waves crashing me by
Crashing me by
Crashing me by
samedi 22 mai 2010
Simple Evidence
Share honnest interest and gratitude. This is Love.
vendredi 21 mai 2010
mardi 11 mai 2010
*chuckles* from my accomplice.
samedi 1 mai 2010
"The world is always filled by the sound of waves.
The fishes who surrender to the waves can dance, sing, play but who knows the heart of the sea, a hundred feet below? Who knows its depths?"
The End; The Perfect Light - Eiji YOSHIKAWA
mercredi 28 avril 2010
Sense of Clarity
lundi 19 avril 2010
vendredi 16 avril 2010
Act now
First step, a call, verbalizing what we want, now. Then think, use our reasoning and find a respectful way to fulfill our needs. All is possible if we decide it now, respecting everything, starting by Ourself.
If you encounter something, someone, that don't match what you are, just pass your way, search for what is good for you, always in respect of things and people.
Learn and be tolerant.
mercredi 14 avril 2010
What isn't frivolous?!
Listening to our natural needs those who keep us alive, physically and mentally, a sane mind in an healthy body, all the rest of our interests and activities are slight and insignificant. Period.
lundi 12 avril 2010
"Cette Petite Mort"
mardi 6 avril 2010
The Key
vendredi 2 avril 2010
The Perfect Light
While wishing to head for
The depths of the mountains,
I'm pushed against my will
Toward places
Where people live.
jeudi 1 avril 2010
an Education
Of hazing kids and humiliating anyone who's a little bit different? Of putting
so much pressure on kids they turn into these... these stress freaks and caffeine addicts.
You can have your grades, and your rules and your structure, and your ivory towers, and then we'll do things our way.
Why do we have to conform to what you want?
You know what? You're a criminal. 'Cause you rob these kids of their creativity and their passion.
Did... Did the system really work out for you? Did it teach you to follow your heart, or to just play it safe, roll over?
What about you guys? Did you always want to be school administrators? was that your dream?
Or maybe no, maybe you wanted to be a poet. Maybe you wanted to be a magician or an artist. Maybe you just wanted to travel the world.
Life was full of possibilities.
'Cause you don't need teachers or classrooms or... or fancy highbrow traditions or money to really learn. You just need people with a desire to better themselves."------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Accepted . 2006]
dimanche 28 mars 2010
Uncertainty... then, Piece of Revelation on how things work
i know........................................................................................................................................................................................because i'm not worthy enough to receive love, so what is to do when i feel i need it, it just gives me the desire to harm myself, when you're low seek adrenalin and that's why so many people use cutting to cope when they have the need for affection but don't feel worthy enough to get it.
Waking up this morning i've got this clue :
My daily behavior is satisfying my needs as soon as they appear, it's living in the present, and i thought a sure way to feel relieved all along, you know yourself, you probe your needs then you fulfill it, easy, well usually easy for someone which has no excentric needs as me,.... doing this way i have to satisfy my need on the instant or one can be quickly frustrated, so theoretically it's easy to find what we need on an instant regarding the basic needs, like
eating : we have a fridge where we store food.
drinking : water through taps in every houses, easy, plus fruit juices or so in the fridge too.
exercice : i've got a basketball court at five minutes by foot from my home, or i can walk in the city it's even easier.
entertainment, knowledge, just working the brain : i've got all i like here in my room, and on internet, i have "easy access" passions.
But there's one need i can't fulfill instantly, it's everything that must come from other humans, because people have their free will, they have plans and a personal life, to see someone you have to make an appointment, it takes time and everyone has a different way of living, for example i feel i need to talk more in the evening and the middle of the night usually, even with friends, we can't burst into their house everytime we want, we have to call and set up a matching time to talk or do whatever, so clearly that's why i feel quiclky frustrated when i feel i need someone (for affection, understanding, recognition, whatever), it's not instantaneous, and i'm too much respectful i don't want to impose myself, so each time i have to cope with that need, it happens periodically, it's burning in me, i try to contain it, searching for palliatives, often i end up hating everyone, hating myself and feelin unloved, and unworthy..... in my life it's a need that has never been satisfied, i am raised and conditioned to hide that need, it's in my cells, in my mind, i'm too respectful, "i respect them so much that i completely stay away from them", so there is this only need i can't fulfill with the way i'm functioning right now, i just can't...
I'm wondering how people do, is that why they go out in clubs every week end, to rub on each others, or is that why they get married, this way as soon as they have the need for someone he's right there in front of their eyes, it's like an investment on the need of affection, you get married or live in couple so that in case you feel this natural need to be with, to speak, to share, to ... with someone you can get it pretty easily, quite instantly.
I get angry because i need more but i don't know how to get it, i falsely blame it on others, on their behaviors, but it's my lack, i miss the ability to get what i want, and the person i'd really like to share with is so far from instantaneous reach.
"....i wanted more
than life could ever grant me
bored by the chores
of saving face...."
mardi 23 mars 2010
One may think i'm egoistical, what i focus on is the encounter, i see closeness when things from me and things from you are gathered, like my name spoken by your mouth, it tickles my feelings.
You are with me always.
dimanche 21 mars 2010
(two messages in a row which seem to be perfect antagonism, my mind is on a swing)
The pain disapears quicker than we think
If you let your emotions overwhelm you, that you become irrational, your pain turns into hatred, or sadness, or anger, or any destructive emotions in the purpose the cope with the feeling on the long run, it's a misplaced rationalisation (because in fact irrational and destructive), on the contrary if you think and believe that it's useless to live in the past, that all the possibilities you can imagine lie before you, to discover anew what you need to be happy, that you are free, then you'll forget easily and will concentrate on the positive there is to take in every instant.
Desperate state of mind brings freedom and eases my life
When i believe i could never get what i need from others, they become a useless breed, i can hate everybody and wish they're dead, it becomes legitimate, all make sense, my hate has, the problem of dealing with others gets a solution, life becomes easier.
samedi 20 mars 2010
You're not listening to me
i could cry
(credits : "opening" shadow of the beast)
samedi 13 mars 2010
(This is an extract i picked from a movie, and beneath is the real text)
Desiderata of Happiness
" Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let not this blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
--- Max Ehrmann, 1927
(This text was viciously snatched by some "thirsty of power" religious people, it has nothing to do with religion, i despise these attempt of brain controlling humans using this honest and truthful piece of prose)
jeudi 11 mars 2010
the best possible version of yourself
That... that there's something keeping you apart, something about this person you connect with?
And whenever you're near this person, you don't know what to say, and you say everything that's in your mind and in your heart.
And you know that if you could just be together, that this person will help you become the best possible version of yourself."
(Dan in real life)
vendredi 5 mars 2010
a place to feel one and complete
All i share is part of one big story, the story of my life, all has sense and all is linked, surely it is the after effect of my recent nights off, if i'm this frail how could i travel, how could i survive without a vault to hide in.
mercredi 3 mars 2010
Life thanks to communications
mercredi 24 février 2010
jeudi 18 février 2010
Farewell and Goodnight
I was watching the film you mentioned in your last message, titled goodnight mother, and it stirred my feelings, i got angry at the main character, she lets herself being used, she is responsible for her own happiness and she gives up that easily, i haven't finished watching it yet but i felt i needed to clear something, for me, for you, she could have just leave this house and her smothering mother, i guess she could know what is missing in her life and just reach for it, even if it requires to leave, then i thought about my own situation, how i feel stuck the same way, and i always have a good reason, it's like i'm angry at the character of jessie for given up but i do exactly the same, i stay hidden in my space, i don't have the right to be angry at her or i should also kill myself, because i'm an hypocrite right now, i have locked myself in my own body and convinced me that the way i'm seeing me is the right way, that it's an ultimate truth for everyone, and that gives me the best of any reasons to stay away from life, i feel so stuck and limited in my body, can't you see Olia that i'm not fine, it's obnoxious but here's a list of things i hate in me, i shaved today, i don't like to shave because it reveals the dents and holes on my cheeks, my skin is too fragile on that creepy angular face, this is ugly, then see i'm losing my hair, it's thin and sparse, fuzy and dry, while i have too many hairs on my limbs, that's unfair, i can't stand it, oh and see those dumb, crappy glasses, because yeah living in a box my vision gets worse and worse, the only thing i have for me actually is that i'm not fat, if one day i see me as fat i think i will become mad
so and why do i want to please, why?, because society tells us that we have to be beautifully stereotyped to be successful?, i say so often that i don't need others but i still feel horrible around people, this truth on myself that i built produces anxiety and prevent me to move. sorry for that."
Now you saw and you have the proof that i can be truly ugly!
mardi 16 février 2010
Coiled in a square

lundi 15 février 2010
Get what you deserve, the story of a boy
If this dog bite off the fingers of my hand
Siping away my joy, my lead
Give birth to my angular face,
Everywhere pits and madness
I'll strangle the woman,
Curse the boy with glares,
Infuriate, the landscape closing on me
with no thread to hold, a car will cut my rush,
I'll do it, i'll reach my burst
As my hope grows thin and my hate bloats
If those kids see it, and everyone consents
In the streets they sure mock me
Them sharp,
Me sick,
and i go barefoot on a road of pins.
dimanche 14 février 2010
My core is my master
samedi 6 février 2010
I'll be null around strangers,
I'll be awkward around friends,
And i'm sure...
I'm sure,
I reach my potential with one!
It's my only way to thrive in a social situation, give my all to one; Take it or leave it!
mardi 26 janvier 2010
Me and your peers
"What is being young, compared to you i'm old but compared to your mom i'm young, think farther if you can, all is relative, it's a perception and self description matter!! If being young is wearing flashy trendy overrated and over expensive clothes, talking futile subjects, gathering in entertainment places to lose yourself, let the master Money takes you to oblivion and pretending all that to be cool, then no, definitely i'm not young. Yet i have more imagination than you'll ever have and i'll never lose what is "youth" to me because i'm not a product, i don't hide behind a fake imagery to reassure myself about a boring future thoughout the common life. You'll lose your youth as you define it and you'll end up with only bitter souvenirs and your withered faded eyes to cry, it will come fast, poor you, and i won't help you work your mind to see beyond when you'll beg for a savior."
biblical comparisons :
-youth way of life is a road to perdition
-master Money is the "passeur", the skeleton ferryman taking you in his craft right to hell.
-the savior... will be your psy ah ah ah! you're doomed and will definitely roast in hellish pain.
(I couldn't resist to add this for the psy comparison ah ah ah! i'm creating my own fun here, with irony.)