------------------"I mean, ------- College and their... and their 100 years of tradition. But tradition of what?
Of hazing kids and humiliating anyone who's a little bit different? Of putting
so much pressure on kids they turn into these... these stress freaks and caffeine addicts.
You can have your grades, and your rules and your structure, and your ivory towers, and then we'll do things our way.
Why do we have to conform to what you want?
You know what? You're a criminal. 'Cause you rob these kids of their creativity and their passion.
Did... Did the system really work out for you? Did it teach you to follow your heart, or to just play it safe, roll over?
What about you guys? Did you always want to be school administrators? was that your dream?
Or maybe no, maybe you wanted to be a poet. Maybe you wanted to be a magician or an artist. Maybe you just wanted to travel the world.
Life was full of possibilities.
'Cause you don't need teachers or classrooms or... or fancy highbrow traditions or money to really learn. You just need people with a desire to better themselves."------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Accepted . 2006]
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