In the way we communicate, through distance, we can only share what we already know, the subjects we already learnt about in the past days, we present ourselves with well formed opinions; the sharing we lack mainly is the discovery of some new knowledge together in a same moment, like going to an unknown place for both of us, or watching an unseen movie yet, or commenting on an event unraveling before our very eyes in the present, we can't share the path of learning together;
I would have enjoyed so much to propose you to go see a movie, or visit a place, or eating at a random restaurant, or anything new and simple, just to share the pleasure of novelty with you (nothing fancy i fear, though my mind isn't shut to bungee jump from a bridge or riding a full speed jet ski, or whatever daring and wild ... holding you tight), the simplicity of new experiences with your companionship.
This will enrich even more our communications and
despite all my self hatred,
this is something i crave,
being with you in space and time, in the fluctuations, the informations, and choices of one instant.
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