vendredi 25 juin 2010

The Journey

Time to jump in the car, it's a long trip to an unknown place, Is forseen winding along picturesque and narrow roads. Everybody seat randomly, she chose to be on the back next to the window, i'm outside leaning on the trunk watching the path ahead with hope, starting from that town the murky sky is engaging, then turning my head our eyes cross, i feel the electricity, a pounding in my chest, joy reaches me, i imagine the attraction, that i'm wanted, it's a glimpse, we're nearly all in as i enter last, on an impulse, her so sage, authoritatively ask that the pretty young boy installed close to her shift place with me, this statement is strong, honest and pure, that no one argues and i'm thrilled anew with electricity running down my body, like a cue that she accepted me, she chose me to share companionship on that long, unpredictable journey, our glances are conniving now that i'm shoulder on shoulder with her, and we both stroke each other hand, smiling inside peacefully, we waited so long, we know everything, i feel i belong somewhere, she took me, she is sure, and i have no doubt myself too, such a rapture, freedom and assurance to whatever comes, our beings are bonded to see the good in all events. Let's start.

3 commentaires:

  1. This was based on a dream i had the other day, i'm really surprised by the positiveness of that text, now that i read it again.

  2. It's nice to see you so confident and acting on how you feel, and your efforts are accepted and welcome.
