I can't live amongst humans, as long as they are so angry, they don't know how to communicate their emotions, griefs and joys gently, keep that burst under control and disarm all conflicts by speaking clear, honest and nicely, many people are just too erratic, they have no power on themselves, on the turmoil of their many emotions and when they lose it they just shout, attack, anything to calm it down, the problem is within them, talk clearly and kindly, use empathy, and every predicament can be fixed for the best of everyone implied, when someone knocks at your door barking, with a black stare, how can you stay indolent, smiling and nice, i sure can't, when people attack me i simply want to kill, it's scary in both ways because to someone who will expose his problem with me in the purpose to find a suitable solution for everyone, with kindness and poise, i will make the best effort and search too the best solution, we could be friends and leave on a smile, confronted to the opposite reaction, the direct aggression, i could kill or get killed in the process to kill someone, people are really fucked up at the core and they are driving me crazy through their lack of respect.
People need to earn your respect. I think you give too much power to others over you. You hear the angry tone and it makes you flinch. I understand you cannot control this reaction, because it is immediate and natural in your body. I think finding the solution should not be your goal for every harsh person that confronts you for whatever reason. Don't try to teach them respect, and don't let their fumes encompass you. I think truly, indifference is the way to a peace of mind.
RépondreSupprimerAggressors feed on the attention you give them, the more they see that you are affected the louder they'll bark.
But don't mistake, humans are not as friendly as dogs, don't reach your hand to pet them or they'll bite it off!