I like basketball for a long time now, i play more or less for sixteen or seventeen years at least, it's a complex sport, and you can read the personalities of the guys while watching them play, you notice at once the intelligent ones, those who understand the mechanisms of the game, usually they're not the big guys, but the point guards, the ball handlers;
If you want to be successful you must not be shy, the psychological part is very important in sports, and i think basketball is one of the most complete sports, you must have athletic skills, social skills, and intelligence, it's like a school of life, and that's strange i picked that game to be fond of, because i'm everything except confident, and sociable, it's a huge challenge for me to play it with others, i'm usually discrete on the court, i do the shadow work, i defend, i rebound, i pass the ball, if i wasn't so athletic maybe i will be useless, my introverted personality doesn't fit in a basketball team, i know deep inside i'm better than what i show, but unless i achieve letting myself be, and dare, and attack, i will always be that awkward and weird but friendly guy, capable of some incredible sparks of creativity, but too easily impressed.
Still i like that game and i do what i can with what i am on that moment, yesterday i went to play, unconsciously i didn't dress like it, i was wearing jeans and my big boots (though i had bought nice and expensive basketball sneakers recently, i guess because it is so clean and bright i didn't want that people notice me miles away wearing those white shiny shoes), so as always some players proposed me to play a game or two or three, and timidly i accepted, i'm thrilled to be able to prove my worth one day, but obviously i put myself a handicap with the way i was dressed, soon enough my feet were bleeding and hurting a lot, i couldn't defend with my usual intensity, still we won, but i think i used that as an excuse, unconsciously, if ever someone will score on me i had that excuse that i had heavy blisters on my feet, i know it's stupid i should accept to lose sometimes, to be beaten by someone better than me at anything, doing my best but humbly accepting that there is always better than me, and that it doesn't make me less worthy, my being (like every being) is already complete, perfect, and if in the "world of doing" i can have a lack of skill, then whatever as long as i accept my talent level at that moment and to be the best i can, respectfully.

Play basketball for the fun and exercise. Let it be a game, not a contest. Go with the flow, blend in, and take your shots and risks whenever they come naturally during the game.
RépondreSupprimerBasketball is HUGE here where I live (Kentucky). It's a wonderful sport!
RépondreSupprimerI'm always affraid to do bad, i guess i'm kind of a perfectionist, but in the end i avoid to try a lot of things just because i fear to fail or to be rejected, my self esteem is quite low, or rather "was" low, the path is steep but i feel i'm moving onward, and for the best.
RépondreSupprimerYou won't be rejected if you're playing within the game. It's when you try to take every shot and, of course, miss them, and not being a team player that you'll be rejected.