I've got a sting on the top side of my shoulder, a small red bulge between sunburn spots, i feel it tickles so i wring my head at ninety degrees, deep creases mark my neck, a strain hits my back as i plunge my eyes on the guilty annoyance, with my face distorted that way i see hairs sparse along my biceps, i pick at the thick ones, several tries to take the root out on each, they curl a little more at every miss, i think i strip myself of ugliness but tomorrow or in a week it will grow back, and for now that sting, that little red swollen dot is flashing, so visible when i focus on, no picking and no cutting will get me rid of that natural flaw, so i caress it, it's soft, and soothes, i would lick it with the tip of my tongue if a could, affectionately, spread some healing saliva, i would mend my wounds by loving that body of mine, affectionately.
That's how it starts, to be able to give then that affection to the world, to the one .

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