dimanche 25 octobre 2009


At noon this day, i took out an industrialized pizza from the microwave and began to consider how to cut it fairly for my brother and i; A crusty oozing layer has formed on the melted cheese and the rectangular bacon was grilled correctly, i noticed all the trimming, cheese and bacon on canned tomato juice sprinkled with oregano, was perfectly lined up, not surprising for this type of supermarket pizzas; so i was here, a sharp one piece of metal knife in my hand, and i thought how to slice it for the good of my ideals; First my mind saw the lines of the trimming and it considered cutting along those lines, like drawing a nice pencil line with a ruler, i thought the mind is so lazy, he likes to follow the rules, he likes to walk on straight lines, then i considered cutting to the perpendicular, that will imply to chop the cheese and bacon in half but the tomato sauce wasn't uniformly spread over the circular dough, so it happened that the better way to be totally fair was to cut it in an imperfect diagonal, what i finally did; Why am i writing this? it shows two things : first, how my mind function, i'm human and firstly i saw the lines, it's easy to follow and easy to notice, then i considered all the possibilities to achieve what i wanted which was to be right, and i found a solution, the motive to act is really important for a human, i put equity as the basis of my move in this example and i acted for the best with how my mind reflect to sort out the problem; Second thing : i want to say, often the best solution isn't in the obvious ways that everybody display, one must learn to challenge the rules of one's brain.

1 commentaire:

  1. This is a good example to prove that the mind is tempted to follow what is easy, and it is a challenge when what is right is not following the given rule.
