vendredi 8 juillet 2011

why i like to drink fresh water in winter days

why i like to drink fresh water even in winter days, to feel the sting down my throat, sometimes the burn of a hot beverage too, the point is to excite the sensations; something insipid, with no strenght, makes me feel dead, as hollow as an old stump devoured by termits a long time ago; the same as the hurt in the stomach rised by a vivid hunger, i need what blows and slaps, going all the way like walking on a path of thorns, if i'm going to feel through the things i like, i can't pretend, i want it to wash me off and leave me like a wreck with a taste of weariness, i enjoyed it all to the bottom and i gave it all to what i love, when thirsty i will drink all the water off a fall, eagerly, and let it crush me.

3 commentaires:

  1. I loove water, im only 12 but i like the post, and i was wondering if you could get some people to look at my blog because i just started and im trying to get people to look at them, my blog is pretty and a mess at the same you think you could follow me i have have 3 followers??? Please ^_^

  2. I can see why you shared these thoughts. Those who feel dramatically want to experience emotions at their highest intensity, hence the sting of a cold or hot drink. Another possibility: A person can feel like nothing around is stimulating enough, so it requires an intense trigger to make oneself feel. Is this your writing or an excerpt from the sad Alejandra?

  3. To miss Dove : Thank you for your nice comment, it made me smile; As i said i can't pretend, to love, to hate or anything i feel, if i subscribe to your blog without reading it that will make me an hypocrite and i couldn't stand it, plus i'm not so popular, really, keep writing if you like it, find who you are, find people you feel fine with, keep on rockin' your life, don't lose the youth energy! Thanks anyway! eh eh

    To Olia : I know you understand me, i know you are able to feel like me, you just don't know how to live it for yourself yet;
    this is something i wrote, this is mine, though yeah i'm currently in the reading of alejandra Pizarnik, and i like many things in that woman, i'm sure you'll like it too, i recommend her diary, even if the lack of faith in herself pushed her to give up, i understand very much her thoughts, her reasonning, the way she felt, i like her writing and i acknowledge the precious to me in her personality.
