You know those who are totally unable to present you something new they could be interested in, no matter how many times you meet and share with them, nor how many years you're in contact with them, always speaking of the same subjects they know by heart, only because they convinced themselves that's what they like, always settling on the same old shows years after years, and twenty years later they will always speak to you what they were moved by during their youth without succeeding in overcoming it, always eating the same stuff, picking the same product at the same store or the same spot on the shelf, without even glancing at the huge variety displayed around, so obviously unable to notice a bush of blackberries along a road or a pack of strawberries hidden under fallen leaves, they read the same books or magazines again and again, and listen to the same songs until they choke on it and finish by despising it, isn't it a proof of lack of self control, extreme neediness to the point of overdose, they are unable to focus on anything new that could come from outside them, so don't try to share to them something that you are interested in at the moment, they will discard it with a fright, probably the fear to be lost and stupid in front of something they didn't have the time to get accustomed to, in front of someone, even if someone well known, don't they have the will to learn, to accept the blank points in their evolution and develop a will to grow, apparently not, so it's useless to try, they wouldn't try anything new or anything they haven't meticulously prepared anyway, so don't propose new places to see and even less going to those places with the use of the uncertain strenght in their bodies, those people are comfy in their routines and probably think what they are and the few they know is sufficient ("the less you know the happier you are" it is said, probably by religious institutions), well, nice for them but their way bores me to death, which side are you, is your happiness in plain stability or in continuous discoveries, definitely i'm more the curious adventurous type, phew.
(can any of those people have a laugh to idiotic creativity, i guess for them idiocy alone is enough, lucky people!)
Well the most important is to know each our own way, isn't it !
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