jeudi 13 octobre 2011


"Of course everybody has certain roles to play in this life, but to believe that's who you are, to be identified with that, that's a terrible prison, bondage."

(you can honor the roles without believing that's who you are, you can honor being a mother without this concept occupy your mind totally. Otherwise you will be a mother for the rest of your life and your children will remain children to you. An you always know better, and you tell them what to you, you are trapped in the role. Conditionned roles given by society. Identification to thoughts, which is never enough for the ego, the fake self, never at ease, or fullfilled, at peace for very long, then you fall back to the lack and suffering.)


2 commentaires:

  1. I think people lose themselves to their professions because people spend more than half their lives doing those professions. For example, a lot of people work from 9 in the morning late in the evening. Add the time spent commuting home, that gets them home as late as 9PM. So what can someone who just got home from work do once they're free? Nothing, eat and go to sleep and repeat the next morning. If they have a family (kids,pets) that means even less free time!

    So the trick is: Each person needs to determine what career path is gratifying... so the job/jobs they do don't cause so much deterioration of the spirit... of energy... of the self.

  2. I think if you are aware when you play role, you can finally break free, or using a role when really need to, even though playing a role is highly exhausting for anyone, so the better is to be real at each moment, to be in phase with our internal true being, but obviously very few people in mankind are really awakened to that knowledge, the teaching is spreading, but most people will stick to their old painful paterns for all their life. I am sharing it, but to be honest i just don't care, i am responsible only for myself, i'm just glad to share my discoveries with people i like, those theories speak to me and that's what's matter really.
