Being part of a group gives sense to life, it brings friends, it helps to go out of oneself, people need something to put all their energy in, let's mention the japanimation fans, those who are fond of a fashion, a look, the punks, the lolitas, belonging to a community to have the impression they are not alone, reducing his vision to one subject consciously to focus, it's accepting we miss all the rest but we will be master in this very subject we chose, life must be easier when we decide what we want to be no matter what we miss beside, it's like wearing blinkers, the mind clearly can't separate on too many interests and the life is too short to practice them all, we have to make choices, and maybe we will miss something we would have been great at but as we chose to wear blinkers we don't care and that's for the best, being the loner isn't a natural thing to choose, it's in fact anti-natural, every human needs to find his sharing partners, chosing a community simplify things, i envy those who can restrict the attention of their mind, sometimes i'd like to live in a mutlicolored world made of the same codes, where everyone is friend and all is entertainement, the simple pleasure of belonging somewhere with no reflections on the why i'm here, just the certainty i'm appreciated, i'm like all the others in this tiny world and we're simply here to enjoy ourselves; sometimes i want a disguise, i want to hide the blackness of my soul, being someone else following the easy rules of a trend, being accepted and embraced as a worthy member of one special community.
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