dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Hammering again the disgusting connivance between money and ego

That's how you make money, by proposing an identity feature for those who think they miss a part.

Really almost everything that sells is!, think about it, and many books or tv shows are amongst them, it's not only objects like jeans, or cars, or furnitures, or cell phones, everything that is bought by people of modern societies, generally it is in the desperate attempt to add something to what is perceived as a deficient identity, that is never complete, never full, never perfect (even food is used like that), it goes beyong de purpose of usefulness, most of the time this is just an excuse to get the object or feeling we crave at the moment (even relations between people can be based on that same trickery). That's a rule of business, Using the ego in most people to pack money.

(i'm annoying i guess, i should accept it... but my problem is : how could i find a job if i don't want to be part of this scheme?! For now i don't know where to search, maybe someday someone will stretch  his hand at me to be part of a project that will aim to change those greedy habits and teach humans the truth to respect themselves.)

3 commentaires:

  1. I understand your dilemma, this is true in the world of retail and probably in many other jobs (even my job, it is subtle but I am representing a business that is selling care for the elderly community... which, I believe, is a good cause so this does not go against my morals).

    Sometimes I actually think it would be nice if I could work in a cafe or a restaurant, like a waitress. It seems it is a very refined skill, mostly doing the same motions over and over, being kind to the customers. I would like to have another job, something to do to earn a little more money, something not too stressful and time consuming (I am sorry now I am ranting on a different subject so I shall stop it here).

    I think it's not so bad, to play along, maybe there is some product or company out there that sells stuff you like so it wouldn't feel so pretentious to convey customers.

    Selling things, it's like fishing, and the bait always goes for the ego.

    1. Yeah you're right! The other day someone spoke to me about working in a factory that builds guitars, it's repetitive and all but at least i'll be working for something i like, that's the kind of stuff i need to find.

    2. that's an example I noted in my initial comment! yeah, that or working in a book store. I've wanted to work in book shops in my town, I applied in the past but wasn't successful because I have no retail experience so places are hesitant to call on someone like me.
