lundi 20 octobre 2014


It's a room, not much bigger than a classroom, half full of people, and a stage is installed against one wall, i'm attending, hidden on the left side in the audience, Josh Homme enters with his usual cocky attitude, i can feel excitation and noise around me, i am just an observer.
The musicians plug their instruments, and i don't recognize the usual members of Homme's band, that's my first surprise, they play a rough set, a bluesy rock'n'roll, with a lot of distorted guitars, pretty good. Black out.
In the next scene, i'm lying on the stage, my back on an amplifier, the audience is still there, chatting loudly, the concert is over but everyone is at the same place, except me, the musicians are still there, now behind me, and some other people are also lying down on the stage, it feels like one of those hippies rock gathering from the seventies.
Then suddenly Josh Homme appears on my right, and settles next to me, very close, like our elbows are touching, like we are the closest friends, he is slouched, and i notice he is completely stoned, high, on drugs, and i say it to him right away, in the most casual tone, despite the strangeness of the situation, i feel very confortable, and maybe a bit proud that Josh Homme chose to crash down next to me in front of all those people while i was just trying to hide (though i don't know how i ended up on stage).
He is talking to me about science and complex formulas, and i speak to him in english, i remember clearly using the words "mathematicians" and "scientists" when i was picturing what he was telling me about.
Then suddenly he takes a green pen and writes a whole series of numbers and calculation on his left forearm, at an unreal speed, and somewhat i understand and i am happy from this sharing with The Josh Homme.

The interesting stuff happened in the next dream, i'm recounting all of this previous story to one of my friend, acknowledging that it was a dream i remembered, and when i arrive to the part of the writing on the forearm, all excited i present my own forearm, and there is the whole thing, a series of green numbers.

There i woke up.
Isn't it like "Inception", a dream within a strange dream, i think it is interesting so i put it down there.

Peace, Mister Josh Homme.

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