vendredi 17 octobre 2014

Little story about past relationships

Sometimes i think back on past relationships, about all the little things that weren't quite right, the awkward moments, my surrender at times, going out of my way, the process leading to those experiences, and in my mind i wince, shouting "Damn! I knew from the start that was wrong.", i reckon those were mistakes, like we have to fall before being able to ride a bike, i learned few things but deep down i knew i wasn't made to stay with those people, and proof is when i remember it i've got a knot in my stomach.

Then the other day i was in my bathroom washing my face and i started fantasizing about a girl i met recently, i built up a scene from the moments we spent together, she was joining me in the light and she was naked, and i was naked, i couldn't resist to hug her and press slightly my body against hers, then came this urge to kiss her, just to kiss her passionately, like we did, i remember our kisses, and at the moment i craved it so hard, hugging her white silky body and kissing avidly, and in my mind i shouted, "Damn!", not because i didn't want that moment to be real again, but on the contrary because i miss her so much it would hurt to remember her sweet presence.

I saw it as a sign, my being says it, some events of the past i want to discard, and some are so precious that i would live in it forever.

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