mardi 4 novembre 2014

My Utopia

Here are snippets of an idea. My point of view.
The economy, the job system, of our modern societies are based on money, on making the largest profit.
To me this is such a monumental mistake, a flaw, a vice in our way of living, because what brings true happiness?!, it's not money, everyone knows that, people tried and they constantly fall again into depression and lack, so what?!, in my opinion sincere human contacts is what brings the truest happiness, having friends, helping each others, being and feeling confident and real in presence of others (and also in one's own presence).
So i think we should shift the functioning of societies and the job system on that value, everyone should choose a job because he/she cares to do it properly, feeling fullfilled to be helpful and have good relations with others, it's simple, just let yourself be and you'll know that what you really want is be open and connect.
In the end only the useful jobs will be taken, those that really help people and are focused on the well being of everyone, everything that is a real service to the other.
And all the jobs that exist only to make profit will disappear, everything that is oriented to plain consumerism, everything that is of material possessions won't be needed anymore, and humanity will go in a rightful, sane, and caring direction, growing stronger by helping each others.
And if ever we need a pair of shoes, or a chair (only the essential will be needed), we will turn to the small individual makers, the real talented and devoted craftsmen, that does the job with passion because it's fullfilling for them to help people that way (and surely not for the money, though the work will also be rewarded that way, but more efficiently and fairly, so everyone would get a decent living, helping each others, without ever over consuming anything; over consuming is a plague for humanity!), we won't need cars, but buses and tramways will circulate because some people will care to bring that service to others. We will possess less stuff but we will share and help more, we will be less individualistic, only because we will understand that good relations, honest communications, between each others is what bring us the more joy and fullfillment in the end.
I throw that here, that's only what i think. Peace.

1 commentaire:

  1. Amen! (I agree, that would be a beautiful world... still, despite the setbacks, I have hope that there are people out there who feel the same way and are making the world a better place.)
