I want to share something innocent, all i can do in that blog is sharing
what is me, my mind, my perceptions, my analysis, my beliefs, my
fantasies, without depreciating others, or imposing, often i don't wish
to attack, but i like to play with irony, sadness, anger, dramas, and
sexual impulses, to expose what is the world through one pair of eyes,
i'm not a teacher, nor an ennemy, i don't own the absolute truth even if
my egoic self would like to reach that goal and make everyone else bend
to his will, in an idea of being understood and accepted at last, make
that everyone sees and understands my point of view so that to accept
i'm not a dangerous or lunatic person, that i have pleasures to give and
i am worth of love, i present here how my fear of rejection built a
kind of pretentious, intolerant, distant and cold face in myself, before
when i was unconscious that's how it was perceived by others, and i
resented them for not sensing my distress, my longing to share, to be
part of their groups, to live the experiences they lived, together, i'm a
caring person and i preserved myself through isolation, i couldn't hurt
anyone than myself;
Obviously now i'm getting over this, it was a
long time ago, i was still at school, my idea now is to accept, what
makes others, and what makes myself, and on that blog i want to expose
only what's me and what i sense, without a shame, that's growing
confidence, if i accept what i am, what i like, and it can be seen as
ridiculous or whatever, it can be judged negatively, but if i'm fine
with it because i know what and why i like this or that and if i can
enjoy the entirety of that world i perceive then i'm safe, and no
negative spears can reach me. My absolute truth i don't want to fear, i can present it bluntly, openly, sincerely.
From up close it's almost like a random stain, with nuances of the same color, (a pretty bright purple, i don't judge colors), and when you watch it wholly it takes that perfect form and the mind sees the touching creature in that harmless cutesy sleepy position. And i like it.
(i'll put more on that blog from my world of forms, some people will see what i see, some people won't and that's ok like that, it makes the richness of humans and why we should all be sharing respectfully our personal point of view, there's so many things and pleasures to share.)
In the end my need is to connect and love what comes to me.
Self-growth is a slow process. There will be highs and lows, but the trajectory will always be upward.