mercredi 23 janvier 2013


(deserving to be scutinized enlarged)

4 commentaires:

  1. This is a beautiful shot, I assume from the movie Atonement... which I have not seen but recognize the title.

    I can sense the moisture in the air from this photo, the early morning dew, and this man in shadow... I imagined he is waiting for a girl to meet him there, a spot where they met before? and now he is looking down because he has been waiting for a long time and she is still not there. A defining moment, probably the end of a relation, all communicated to me through that downward glance and the shadow. Maybe he is holding an old watch and looking at the time, or more fitting it is probably a gift (a book, a notebook?) he planned to give her when she met him here at this spot to watch the sunrise.

  2. This is war, in the french countryside, he's a soldier, and there's no girl coming, but she's somewhere searching for him and he is keeping his memory of her alive, probably by watching at a photo she gave him when he embarked, their bond is strong. If you want to know how it unrolls you can watch the movie, i personally enjoyed it, it's well written, a little pompous, (but we are dealing with snobbish people), it's passionate, and finely tied up, visually beautiful, with en end to fit every mind, the optimistic or the pessimistic.

    It's one of those shots that strike me when i watch movies (like with 'the gaze' in "stella maris") where i pause the film and search for an image, this one wasn't easy to find, but someone somewhere was touched like me and cut off that scene, usually i don't put those on my blog, (i store them in a folder on my computer), but i'm thinking maybe i should, it's a link to my mind.

  3. Poetic is fiiting, i want to say this is mostly how i feel inside, and this image could be a very good representation.
