On the matter of connection with women i think i know where i'm wrong, somewhat,
because it's a conditioning i have, i know i write and have a sensitivity
close to what a woman will have, i say "that will be my pleasure to see
you" while to be attractive and interesting to a girl i should say "i
want to meet you because i feel good about you", which is more assertive, dominant and manly.
That's my mistake to be shy and distant, i'm
the male so i should be the one hunting and disclosing my interest in
some girl, while i'm acting like i let the other tell me if i'm
interesting for her, i know most girls aren't attracted to that
behavior, they want to be desired, and so be able to decide if they want to
flirt, so they feel safe they can choose, i act as if i don't want to engage myself,
like i'm detached and i'm the one choosing, this is anti natural and what
makes me unattractive.
I act like i'm the woman wanting to be wanted and
hit on, but most women don't feel to step on, it's mainly the other way
round, the man going to propose on the woman.
That's why i'm a misfit
for relationships, and why women don't feel a physical attraction and
connection to me, like most women i'm subtle and i link on the emotional
and intellectual levels first, and not like men do on the physical, the touch, the
stare, which in me like in most women comes later, after i settled a deeper connection, a mutual trust through the sharing of profound and sincere personal thoughts.
This behavior is not alluring to women because it makes them think the man has poor self esteem and will accept an invitation from any woman who approaches him. If a man makes the move first, then it means he has confidence in himself and can pick any woman he wants instead of waiting for one to approach him.
RépondreSupprimerI don't know if this is true for all women, I speak from my point of view. I would think a man who waits for the girl, any girl to approach him, has little confidence in himself. If I approached a man first, it would make me wonder, is he choosing me because he is thinking "thank god, at least this one chose me." This could be wrong on my part, but there you have it...the food for thought of the day!
My point in this post is noticing that i function like a woman on the matter of connecting with the other gender, i focus on an emotional and intellectual bond first, like most women do naturally, in opposite to men who choose first on appearance and sex appeal, but i despise choosing like men do generally because it can so easily lead to using the other, at first they are all loving enjoying fully touch and intimacy with a girl they think is attractive, but as soon the relation must go farther and they quickly discover that beneath the pretty shell the personality, the values, the mind doesn't match, men just turn away and sabotage the relation, leaving the woman feeling used, tricked and that they were only here for the sex, which in the end was true, so if you want a better lasting relation you must consider mind connection first which i do, (which is the women's way to do, generally), the problem is that women want to feel desired instantly (because it's the old system and everyone is used to this one), so in fact women who are generally attractive are those who are the most used and let down, so also women are mostly attracted to those who make them feel more feminine so those who desire them in a sexual primal way, so they tend to get attached with men that will leave them after they get the shallow part of a relationship which is physical intimacy, and then people complain that men are jerks but in fact most women are attracted to feeling desired so they are attracted to the jerk's way to connect, all this is a natural functioning but when you are aware you know where to go and you can relativize your flings, and choose willingly if you want a one shot or a more profound relation.
RépondreSupprimerIf you want a better relation you know you have to resist to be attracted to someone that desire you to quickly and learn to know the mindset of the person.
As currently i function like a woman and can't show an instant attraction, a desire to possess first, because i don't think appearance is much important, so i'm not attractive to women, in fact if i was a jerk and wanting to bang a woman as soon as i speak to her, she would probably more consider me as a potential partner, isn't it sad, it's all for reproduction, nature set us all.
So i warn you all now you know how general attraction between men and women works and so you can choose willingly what you want to experience, you can't complain anymore. eh eh
Personally i just want deeper lasting relations that's it, but i know we all don't match greatly with a lot of person, it's a tough quest, so sometimes settling for the easy comfort of an instant affection seem more enticing but it never lasts and in the end only leaves a bitter taste of self betrayal and self disrespect, that should tend to set more precise choices, it's learning by experience but it can be painful, i choose the way of the reasoning and thinking because i fear rejection yeah, but also because i personally think it's saner, i don't use and i don't want to feel used, and i'm conscious how all this works, i'm not shy or desperate, i'm intellectually strong and i want to connect.