A little story :
Let's imagine a couple, a bald man or with scarse hair and a woman, i believe that if we ask the woman, and despite the fact that i'm sure she probably loves him, "what would you change about your boyfriend physically if you could?", then i'm sure she'll say "i wish he'd have more hair!", so that means if the guy had more hair she'd love him more, and if she meets someone else with a little less personality but with a little more hair (aboundant hair), she could fall for him and leave the other guy; This is why i hate myself, i'm on the quest of absolute, but if i lose my hair (inevitable for guys, but the later the better) absolute becomes clearly, definitevely unconceivable anymore. My quest is vain.
if a guy's hair determines a woman's love for him, then they probably don't have any close bond between them.
RépondreSupprimerIsn't it a common thinking, am i illogical. i have a reverse example too (between a question ask to a boy about his girlfriend). and i believe this will be a common response, thinking in absolute because so many people are corrupted by the ideals of sociéty (which developped at the begining these values for commercials reasons)
RépondreSupprimerThey hammered it in people's mind, it became a thinking habit.