My definition of what is cute, nice, emotional is not in the objects, for me it's focused on the atmosphere, an harmony of colors and shapes, thus generally what is considered dirty, or unsane, or unproper by people who follow the stereotypes can be seen as beautiful and touching by me. With this i'm also perfectly aware, i can point out all the details which build up one particular atmosphere i like.
When i hear a sound it's the same process, i don't see a band playing which is prosaic, the appearance, the simple shell, no, when i hear a sound my imagination build up an entire story in an entire new world; All that is based on the way i feel, i'm considering fitted ensembles, i can see the beauty in despair and trash, and miss it in what is obvious like fluffs, strass and twinkles... maybe it just proves that i'm scattered.
The objects that most people consider beautiful are those that are created with the intent to appear pleasing, which means those things are not natural. For example, imagine flowers in a garden or even a vase. Somebody chose which flowers they want, they arranged them in the most "beautiful" way using their own judgment. They planted them for the purpose of creating something beautiful, so again that's not something of nature but instead something a human being manipulated.
RépondreSupprimerI think there's beauty in the things you describe because they come to existence not through an intention to create art. Those things that people consider ugly or dirty are true, they exist from a more meaningful cause and are not simply aesthetics.
You see beauty in all that is genuine.