Perhaps what frightens me is that, like any human being I have no power over my life, what I like and what I hate, and I feel assaulted by all the things who're imposed to us and will ultimately shape us into a particular form.
I am aware of all the tricks here to control us and I feel my integrity constantly violated, I want to belong only to myself and have full control of what I am and what I think. My mind is full of sorrow in a world who doesn't leave us just live, a world who dispossess us, with each step, of the right to exist for ourselves. I think I have a strong desire for omniscience, to be unique and unrelated to anything that is created; Probably, i daily act against nature itself and therefore would be constantly abused and frustrated as long as I'll have this attitude because our brain works this way, by integrating informations that surround us then by relying on it to apprehend our environment which is different for everyone, objectivity become a myth, and this functioning won't change anytime soon. In a world so corrupted our perception has all the reasons to go astray.
We are all powerless, but we have control over our daily life. You said you feel "assaulted by all the things who're imposed to us..." Yes all the things that we might disapprove, or not believe in, the world will constantly put us thought the test. This test (being in situations we don't feel comfortable with) it's a test to see if we can JUST BE while we are being pressed to act unlike ourselves.
RépondreSupprimerYou said to me once: "...The only logical step to do is forward, relativize, rationalize, make things less dramatic; this way of thinking will be clear, obvious, and absolutly help to confront everyday life."
You can feel attacked by the imposing society, you have a right to feel as you perceive as you perceive. Why let your feeling of not belonging make you sink in sorrow? You are not a sad person, you perceive the world not to be fitting for your wants/needs. My friend, you can not change the world but you can change your perception of it! You can see the best in life, you can find reason to praise yourself for tackling challenges.
You make me think, I believe I agree with you that perhaps you do act against nature. Let me tell you, the main reason is probably because nature has made all forms of life to specialize with only their part of existence.
HUman beings are different, especially particular philosophical kinds. We see the world beyond our own existence, we make meaning and analyze other life forms. We find patterns and relations others might never ponder (because it serves no purpose for them). But others, like you, DO think and wonder because the purpose is to perceive. I live to perceive, not to just merely stay alive.
SOmetimes we are put through tests, sometimes unwillingly. Sometimes these tests can make us doubt ourselves, can even make us hate ourselves. But don't forget, it is just a test, it is just a small glimpse of the entire world. Not all is bad, not all is destructive and self absorbed.
Keep seeking more knowledge, don't let negative perceptions disappoint and stop you on your path.
You said yourself! ""Your well-being depends on your way of perceiving, interpreting things, you know it, strongly believe in that cause it's the absolute truth!"
"We find patterns and relations others might never ponder (because it serves no purpose for them)." if i had a notebook i'll note this one, you're so true.