"Thought does not lead to love
The process of thought ever denies
love. It is thought that has emotional complications, not love. Thought
is the greatest hindrance to love. Thought creates a division between
what is and 'what should be', and on this division morality is based;
but neither the moral nor the immoral know love. This moral structure,
created by the mind to hold social relationships together, is not love,
but a hardening process like that of cement. Thought does not lead to
love, thought does not cultivate love, for love cannot be cultivated as a
plant in the garden. The very desire to cultivate love is the action of
thought. If you are at all aware, you will see what an important part
thought plays in your life. Thought obviously has its place, but it is
in no way related to love. What is related to thought can be understood
by thought, but that which is not related to thought cannot be caught by
the mind. You will ask, then what is love? Love is a state of being in
which thought is not; but the very definition of love is a process of
thought, and so it is not love. We have to understand thought itself,
and not try to capture love by thought. The denial of thought does not
bring about love. There is freedom from thought only when its deep
significance is fully understood; and, for this, profound self-knowledge
is essential, not vain and superficial assertions. Meditation and not
repetition, awareness and not definition, reveal the ways of thought.
Without being aware and experiencing the ways of thought, love cannot
be. J.K."
It is just me, but isn't this a convoluted text that can be summarized as follows: You need to have a strong self awareness in order to love fully, in order to understand why you think and feel the way you do.
RépondreSupprimerI feel this can be said about all emotions... anger, sadness, grief, love, etc. Everything we feel can stand to be analyzed, through which we can learn more about ourselves. We have to acknowledge our feelings in order to overcome them, or to allow ourselves to be overcome WITH them.
I think it's just the contrary in fact, if you think, if you begin to judge and assess you can never reach unconditional love, but in order to approach things so innocently we need to find back that strong sense of being (like babies have), and so have trust in the good of ourselves and in the world.
RépondreSupprimerEverything that goes through thoughts is corrupted.
That's my opinion.
Real love is not desire,
RépondreSupprimerand desire is created by the mind in the division of "what you think you have" and "what you think you don't have" (and so a lack grows towards what you think you don't have and absolutely need right now in order to be happy), it's a mistake, it's your thoughts controlling you.
It's difficult to understand all these intricate rules. I still believe that to feel love, a deep love, you have to be awakened... meaning you have to be self aware and understand your actions and motives, like you are. Only then you can be certain that what you feel is true love, and not something driven by lust, escape, attachment. Basically, we have to be awakened enough to recognize our ego and know if what we feel is true or a conditioned feeling.
SupprimerI agree! In that human world (in modern societies), with adulthood the ego is formed (the false sense of self because it brings the feeling of incompleteness, and so an insatiable chase for anything), so to discover true unconditional love we have to go beyond the ego, back to the state we had when we were born and uncorrupted, and, like you say, as adult it goes through self awareness, awakening to the tricks of conditioned feelings.
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RépondreSupprimerSo true. Within the thoughts one has to find one's perceptions. Then within those perceptions, one has to find one's own love. After the love for oneself, comes the love towards others.
RépondreSupprimerTo me true love for others necesarily goes after finding true love for oneself.
SupprimerMany people associate love with physical desire which finally lead to a moral dilema (giving oneself to one person or many, faithfulness etc...), that's a great mistake, true love is unchanging and unconditional, and so is totally not related to physical drives (which come and go),true love is accepting the other without judgement, without sticking a thought form on him (a mind-built image that serves to describe any part of the world around, because unexplained things are scary for humans), and it starts with oneself, letting go and accepting freely what is.
And it's only when you are able to sense this coming from your being that you can clearly choose someone to form a couple, and choose your friends, and so have a real connection with them.