jeudi 24 novembre 2011

Elementary : one goal is to feel fine with others

Not everything is love.
Not everything is related to sex and intimacy, absolutely not, only one thing is certain it's that we feel the greatest joy when we share something with people we feel perfectly safe with, whatever is the thing you share, even the worst : a bad movie, a walk for mushrooms in the forest even though you dislike eating mushrooms, a nasty junk food meal, crossing smelly devastated areas, speaking about suicide and children rape, these can seem like painful moments but if you share it with someone you feel fine with then you'll keep a peaceful feeling out of it, whatever the person is : man, woman, older or younger, handicaped, ill or healthy, sharing the complicity and freedom of communication is what makes you feel satisfied and at peace in your life, and obviously you don't need to be intimate physically with everyone you feel fine with because here enters the question of sexual orientation, body traits likings and personal attraction for features of plain appearance.
I can feel so satisfied and peaceful at the end of a day spent with one or several male friends, without feeling the need to touch or tease cause i'm not homosexual and attracted to them physically, or a female friend with which we philosophize all day, and it's so rewarding, but i know i have no attraction for her body. People like me are intimate, they function the best in a small groups, even more in face to face exchange, but intimate means intimate to oneself, being close to one's true self in front of the other, without mixing, just feeling that freedom to be with the other.

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