The feelings we may have for someone are lost, useless and painful when they lead to no sharings; Sharing informations makes them useful but not less painful because feeling for someone means that one wants the person at his side, a sensual sharing can provide pleasure, but won't provide matter for a lasting relationship; The strongest feelings I can feel start with an intellectual sharing then it is transcended and lets me see the beauty in everything; But, how to tell someone what one feels, our feelings are so versatiles, people use the simple word "love", now debased, their emotions are trapped in a stereotype that means nothing anymore, but refusing to limit my feelings and seeing them greater, even infinite, I have no way to express them, they are here, they overwhelm me, but nobody can tell, because our feelings only belong to ourself and if I refuse the means commonly used to reveal them then they will remain for my own appreciation and will continue to devour me from inside; These unexpressed emotions towards other human beings are not, in my case, immured by prosaic words, but girded in my own self, serenely destroying me as I grow older; If only I could have a revelation that would bring me proof that my feelings would not be used against me through mockery or intended to nothingness, then yes, i'll dare and i'll say what will be my profound and pure truth: I love you ...
Sharing: Having common interests; combining links to build a stronger perception of our surroundings, ourselves, and the world.
RépondreSupprimerLearning: Creating stronger links through sharing. All these produce good feelings that lead us to attachment.
Loving: Wanting to learn more about each other. Attachment becoming more intense. Needing. Desiring. Certainty and despair.