The Advertising, the Politicians, the Medias, eminences of this sociéty, have developed quantity of means for intellectual coercion, they show us a path by leaving us clues and urge for us to follow it, arguing that this is the way to happiness for each one; but they can't use force to physically compel us to take this path, it's up to us to choose and I am disgusted that a majority of people do not distinguish the deceptions in the system and walk like brainless cattle on the way wich, at their expense, will only be profitable for a greedy and dehumanized elite; worse and more despicable are those who have recognized the traps but still engage in this dream of servitude simply on an idea of conformism, to avoid the tag "different", denying themselves and eaten by this false value, extremist swindle by the persons with power, that being different is a disgrace!
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