Sometimes during a reasoning to myself in the silence of my small apartment, I stop on a word because I feel my mind found another trail, along my thoughts, on which to think, the word in question then resonates in my mind in order to not lose the thread of my original reasoning; it's like a double call, by the repetition of the keyword on which my thinking has stopped I maintain a record, a clue that will allow me to come back and continue my reflection, just after having finished with the new path that my mind decided to follow; What happens if too many ideas occur in the process of a reasoning?
Too many words waiting, too many paths to analyze emerge; Probably, all implode and all these trails drop at once, the brain can't continue further a certain point, and he decides to return to zero and to gather his concentration on a single theme. The ideas are lost.
jeudi 26 février 2009
dimanche 22 février 2009
Milking the Cattle

The Advertising, the Politicians, the Medias, eminences of this sociéty, have developed quantity of means for intellectual coercion, they show us a path by leaving us clues and urge for us to follow it, arguing that this is the way to happiness for each one; but they can't use force to physically compel us to take this path, it's up to us to choose and I am disgusted that a majority of people do not distinguish the deceptions in the system and walk like brainless cattle on the way wich, at their expense, will only be profitable for a greedy and dehumanized elite; worse and more despicable are those who have recognized the traps but still engage in this dream of servitude simply on an idea of conformism, to avoid the tag "different", denying themselves and eaten by this false value, extremist swindle by the persons with power, that being different is a disgrace!
vendredi 20 février 2009
Definition : the Materialism
For me everything is made of matters and the events, the changes in this world are the results of the interactions of the matter. Here is my initial idea already developed and written in a previous post.
I just realized that this theory has a name: the Materialism (not to be confused with "the materialist temper")
"Materialism considers that the matter build all reality and is opposed to spiritualism for which it is the spirit which is the substance of everything. Materialism and spiritualism are philosophies on the nature of being. In general , materialism rejects the existence of the soul, spirit, eternal life, or God. He believes that consciousness, thought and emotions are the consequences of physical mechanisms. For materialism, the death of the material Body causes the loss of consciousness and sensation to exist. Materialism considers that the world results from material mechanisms and that the mind is an illusion. Materialism is based on a mental representation of reality (idealism). "
I just realized that this theory has a name: the Materialism (not to be confused with "the materialist temper")
"Materialism considers that the matter build all reality and is opposed to spiritualism for which it is the spirit which is the substance of everything. Materialism and spiritualism are philosophies on the nature of being. In general , materialism rejects the existence of the soul, spirit, eternal life, or God. He believes that consciousness, thought and emotions are the consequences of physical mechanisms. For materialism, the death of the material Body causes the loss of consciousness and sensation to exist. Materialism considers that the world results from material mechanisms and that the mind is an illusion. Materialism is based on a mental representation of reality (idealism). "
mardi 17 février 2009
The Dark Streams
When I can not stay in place and no focus is possible because I feel that the flow of my black ideas gradually overwhelms me, it's a sign in me of a "desperate anxiety", of emptiness and worthlessness, of rejection and diformity, as I also have "anxieties through excitement" with different symptoms.
dimanche 15 février 2009
Where do i belong?!
I think that if I love so much walking at night it is because the darkness puts a veil on the hypocrisy, foundation of our society!
At that moment the manipulative madness that seeks to compel our spirit turns off for a short time and allows for those who come out to see a different world, vaguely more natural.
samedi 14 février 2009
Create your Own Dreams
On how many principles are we deceived?! Like this image of "happiness" commonly used in order to preserve the stability of society : Have a job, a wife, a kid, a dog, an individual house ... All that is bullshit, it's making people stupid to prevent them from having developed opinions of their own, I won't belong to this dream!
I choose to die alone with all my lucidity!
I choose to die alone with all my lucidity!
vendredi 13 février 2009
Mental Instability

For some people it is necessary to be protected from anything that might create excitement, emotions too intense in order to maintain their mental health; Fatigue and poor physical condition will push the person in madness even faster if this one is exposed; I think mental instability and hypersensitivity go together very often.
(the writer Virginia Woolf is a good example in this case!)
(All mental problems, called "mental illnesses" by the experts when the problem prevents the person to live and function in society, are to me simply chemical unbalances in the brain, here from birth or developed through the "conditioning" of our lives; Obviously the so complex brain is still a terrible enigma even for the more advised scientists who study this organ; Mental illnesses are still taboo!; An obscure and frightening subject for most people, because the unknown, the mysterious (due to a lack of knowledge) creates fear in humans who do not want to make the effort to gather informations to understand and just... think.
mardi 10 février 2009
Tiny part of my Philosophy
Positive emotions towards others should be spontaneously, voluntarily shared with the individuals concerned; Negative emotions should be kept for oneself unless a question is asked, in this case we must say what we believe but with tact and diplomacy; Honesty, sincerity are among my main values, that is why I find it hard to live in this world in which hypocrisy is predominant!
lundi 9 février 2009
A different collective Perception
How do men do if they desire to keep the mind and the body of a child, if they are afraid to grow old and die; Women use cosmetics or start a diet until anorexia, but what should do a man?
Is that finally the desire to please everyone unconditionally that pushes people to be afraid of passing time! They create their own anguish and smash on it a little more each day!
It must be said that in our modern culture, youth is synonymous with beauty, health, simple pleasures, insouciance (literally this word is pleasant and means everything), infinite possibilities; Once again it all depends on our way to see things, our point of view on this subject, therefore of our mental conditioning to apprehend flowing days and our body which inexorably rots; If only we taught to children to respect older people and not to give importance in appearance, in youth (as all these hungry medias, devoid of human values, do it to force us to consume); We must create an entire different collective mentality, with new values oriented towards the well being of individuals and not to profit at all means and the power for a few; I am convinced that the future of humanity depends on a universal change of the thought system of sociéties who should be initiated by the "developed" countries (because it's them who serve as model for others); The social development should aim towards the respect of the universe around us, the Man, the Nature, the Matter or we will eat us one another, or each one will consume itself.
Is that finally the desire to please everyone unconditionally that pushes people to be afraid of passing time! They create their own anguish and smash on it a little more each day!
It must be said that in our modern culture, youth is synonymous with beauty, health, simple pleasures, insouciance (literally this word is pleasant and means everything), infinite possibilities; Once again it all depends on our way to see things, our point of view on this subject, therefore of our mental conditioning to apprehend flowing days and our body which inexorably rots; If only we taught to children to respect older people and not to give importance in appearance, in youth (as all these hungry medias, devoid of human values, do it to force us to consume); We must create an entire different collective mentality, with new values oriented towards the well being of individuals and not to profit at all means and the power for a few; I am convinced that the future of humanity depends on a universal change of the thought system of sociéties who should be initiated by the "developed" countries (because it's them who serve as model for others); The social development should aim towards the respect of the universe around us, the Man, the Nature, the Matter or we will eat us one another, or each one will consume itself.
samedi 7 février 2009
Fragment of Hope
vendredi 6 février 2009
Ideas (yet to develop) on the Integration and Analysis of informations
I suspect that the way we are conditioned from birth determines the quantity and type of informations that each individual will be able to remember, to store in his brain; this seems logical if we consider that we are, for the most (I do not count here people with a deficient formation of the brain from birth), formed in the same way, we all have a roughly similar potential from the start ( !) ( do the genetic, the original organic constitution have an important role in the differences in reasoning and perception among individuals; may be the number of possible connections in the brain, the number of neurons or organic tools necessary in learning for human beings clearly differ between individuals at birth) (?!). In our development we may learn methods of integrating and analyzing the informations that surround us, some faced and hardened these methods, the others, most neglected by their environment, will have difficulties to reason and be logical later, difficulties to apprehend their new environement. (There are certainly methods to keep informations, help the brain to remember, that must be teached and early in life is the best!)
jeudi 5 février 2009
Seeking the Serenity and Sharing the Passion
We should not impose to others our conception of the world, it is often the coercion which is the basis of wars and conflicts, even the smallest, among human beings; Everyone possess an interpretation of the world who belongs only to him and has to develop it and respect it, but it's useless wanting to convince somebody that cats are better if he prefers dogs, we can't argue on feelings, we can not impose our feelings to others because everyone feels things differently.
Again we need to respect the Man, the Nature, the Matter, being tolerant, careful to others, but believing that finally what the others feel does not concern us (it's for me because i don't want that my happiness depends on someone else than myself); we should considere but not being abused by the visions of others. With this thought system one cancel the negative feelings toward others, and if one day a positive feeling for someone appear then we must "sit down" and talk with the person concerned (it means sharing sincerely). If this feeling is echoed, it will exalt the two persons for a variable time that will be repeated or not, and I do not consider only the emotions around love, we can be on the same wavelength with someone simply by sharing one of his passions (like the guitar or literature or art or a basketball game) and if the other responds positively both will be galvanized and the mixed emotions will grow and burn for the sharing time period. (and i repeat Not only in "love")
Again we need to respect the Man, the Nature, the Matter, being tolerant, careful to others, but believing that finally what the others feel does not concern us (it's for me because i don't want that my happiness depends on someone else than myself); we should considere but not being abused by the visions of others. With this thought system one cancel the negative feelings toward others, and if one day a positive feeling for someone appear then we must "sit down" and talk with the person concerned (it means sharing sincerely). If this feeling is echoed, it will exalt the two persons for a variable time that will be repeated or not, and I do not consider only the emotions around love, we can be on the same wavelength with someone simply by sharing one of his passions (like the guitar or literature or art or a basketball game) and if the other responds positively both will be galvanized and the mixed emotions will grow and burn for the sharing time period. (and i repeat Not only in "love")
mercredi 4 février 2009
Note for myself (well... more if affinity)
What I seek in this world is knowledge, the functioning of all things, the causes, ideas, and not the facts, then the informations and situations who animate a positive response from my body through pleasant emotions; Although happiness is a state of mind our emotional state is always a "contidioning" (that's my key word eh eh), in one way or another we are conditioned so even if by the reasoning we can make ourself at ease in a situation, there will always be some contexts, optimum events which will bring us more joy!
(the "conditioning" is quite similar to a "learning", with the difference that it is not chosen)
(the "conditioning" is quite similar to a "learning", with the difference that it is not chosen)
The Conditioning of Emotions

What determines our emotions is our "Conditioning", (different for all individuals), to respond to our environment; This conditioning is active throughout our life by our experiences, our education, our environment (everything that surrounds us and that we can apprehend with our senses, hearing, smell, touch, sight ...) and evidently a bit of genetic as well. All these factors will forge our body responses through chemical reactions and through neurotransmitters (I should find some interest in physiology to see) who therefore react to certain things becoming "triggers"; some will have fear of the dark, others will like girls with hair slide, others will find interest in cars or video games, others will enjoy the rain and hate the sun .... etc
mardi 3 février 2009
When the need hurts
I am sad and frustrated sometimes because I want things I could never have; in this case one must either rationalize and learn to be content with what he has, or put his energy into getting what he wishes; it is futile to rant, to get excited, to hate the world and harm onself by turning this rage against us. I think the frustration is the basis of the greatest despairs among human beings, whether it is a material frustration, a lack of ability or a need of affection; the absence, the frustration, the need is what predominantly leads people to lose control of themselves in anger or sadness.
lundi 2 février 2009
The Interaction of the Matter
It is amazing how much people prefer to invent for themself totally outrageous, unfounded, irrational stories to explain things in this world they do not yet understand; And religions are built on such inclination, the human being has fear in the unknown, in what he does not control and rather than understand that there are natural phenomenon in the universe that we are not able to dissect yet, Man prefers to invent a convenient, fast, profitable explanation, but completely devoid of common sense.
Everything has meaning in this world, all of our actions have motivations, all the phenomenons observed in nature are due to reactions between different components of Matter and are rationally explainable, we just do not know all the physical rules of this world; and it's for me obvious that all the interactions between elements at the base of all substances and organisms are perfectly coherent; our world is entirely logical, he is simply shaked through the reactions between various components, either in us or around us. (this is redundant but it is something which I am certain)
Everything has meaning in this world, all of our actions have motivations, all the phenomenons observed in nature are due to reactions between different components of Matter and are rationally explainable, we just do not know all the physical rules of this world; and it's for me obvious that all the interactions between elements at the base of all substances and organisms are perfectly coherent; our world is entirely logical, he is simply shaked through the reactions between various components, either in us or around us. (this is redundant but it is something which I am certain)
dimanche 1 février 2009
Give your Affection to the Present Time!
(Reflection initiated by the Woody Allen film : Vicky Cristina) Two women search their own definition of Love, which leads to disappointments and deceptions for themselves and others, but this quest is endless; Violence and misunderstanding are well the results of love as it is mainly seen today, love can not be exclusive, for me this is impossible because there are too many things in this world that gives us emotions as intense and exquisite, why do we can not all love each others unconditionally; The interactions, the sharings between human beings would be much easier, we just have to focus our interest on the individual, on the person we have in front of us at every moment in our life (that's how I function).
"Love", this word means nothing and this feeling dont match in a box, everyone his own definition but if we started to respect each others, for me that is the Basis of "Love" .
Do not search, simply live it!
"Love", this word means nothing and this feeling dont match in a box, everyone his own definition but if we started to respect each others, for me that is the Basis of "Love" .
Do not search, simply live it!
The current Human Tragedy
Two values are inexorably in default in these human societies : Solidarity and common sense!
(Collectives Values Must be Humanistic Values!)
(Collectives Values Must be Humanistic Values!)
Outline of a life philosophy

To act in life one must be logical and possess respectful values regarding all that surrounds us (respect the Matter containing the Nature and Man, respect the Nature which contains Man, respect the Man); To be the most logical possible, to have an unquestionable reasoning, one must strive for absolute Truth, because if one knows exactly how things happened in this universe then nobody can contradict us.
Seeking affection
It seems that women give a lot of importance to the charisma, the aura of a man, that they are looking in a male partner more of a sense of security, of protection; maybe this is instinct, the human condition for the survival of the specie; When men are strongly affected (feelings, excitement, emotions) simply by a constitution, a silhouette and seek mainly ponctual opportunities, at short-term;
Emotions in each of us are due to chemicals reactions in the body, reactions conditioned throughout our life (experiences, education, genetics, environment, etc. ...); Probably a big part of genetics, the human condition, is at stake in this differences between men and women for the search of affection.
Emotions in each of us are due to chemicals reactions in the body, reactions conditioned throughout our life (experiences, education, genetics, environment, etc. ...); Probably a big part of genetics, the human condition, is at stake in this differences between men and women for the search of affection.
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