mardi 20 mai 2014

Too much realistic

Do you have sentiment for an image?
("are you in love" will be the imprecise and romanticized way to put it)
It is said women are more inclined to fantasize and stay attached to an ideal in their mind.
In my opinion people functioning entirely through that way to feel are up for great frustrations, it's living in a dream, an unreachable fantasy, you need to snap out of it, imagination is good to create but not to lose yourself in.
It is said that men are more grounded, more attracted to the bluntness of reality, the animality of behaviors. I think it's better to sense things for what they are, a human being is no fixed image, it's not a slick painting, on the contrary it is shape-changing, and dirty, and smelly, like nature, try to see it, and try to appreciate it, don't deny who you are deep down, it's bad to be lost in the brain, it creates ennemies and leads to frustration.

Are you one to be attracted by the pictures in magazines, on tv, the models, the rock stars, the actors and actresses? So you can read again from the start that short text until you understand.
It's all a parade, an imaginary world, that you are conditioned to love, expecting that it will make you happier, it's all a lie and in that junk created by your brain you are wasting your money and your energy.
You'll ever miss the love of a real person.

Guys like me are despised in this world for being too much honest and realistic.

2 commentaires:

  1. and i somehow assume you think that you are intelligent, educated and know what "the truth" is. and are "despised" because of that. wow. that is what i call living in a dream world. don't worry i will leave this place asap and i will not return. more subjectivity and pseudo-sciolism than anyone could possibly endure.

    1. your comments are rude and are not welcome here, if you don't like these texts you are free to stop reading and go away.
