"Why the removal of a pain brings less joy than the end of a joy brings pain? It is that when in grief you think about the happiness it deprives you, while when in happiness, you don't think about the suffering that spares you; it is that it is natural for you to be happy."
When you are happy you don't think about the woes that you avoid, but when you are unhappy you think about all the joys that you miss, and that's exactly what brings unhappiness, to be happy one must stop to want, to desir (for me "not desiring" doesn't mean being unable to enjoy things and people, there's a dimension of respect in "enjoy", "appreciate", that is not in "desire" which sounds rather tragic and brutal), stop also to possess, and project.
"That humans, until now, have been able to raise up to well-being, the very one allowing happiness, only by depending on others, by settling onto them, here is what we must not admit anymore. I also don't admit that the majority (the mass) has to renounce on this earth to that happiness born naturally from harmony."
("The phrases deceive us, because the language imposes on us more logic that there really is in life; the most precious of ourselves is what stays unformulated.")
Quotes from "Fruits of the Earth" by André GIDE
(Not easy for me to translate that high and clever piece of litterature, but it has so much impact in me i had to try to share it)
"When you are happy you don't think about the woes that you avoid, but when you are unhappy you think about all the joys that you miss"
RépondreSupprimerWow that's so true...I had never thought of it that way before.
This can be simplified to this popular saying: We always want what we can't have. (The ego, the one who will never be satisfied)
RépondreSupprimerI'm not sure, i think i make a difference with that saying, because in that case happiness is a mindset so it's just that most of humans don't realize when they are unhappy that in many cases they have that ability in them (but for most they are unconscious of that fact) to see things differently and create their own happiness, so it's not : wanting what you can't have but it's : not realizing that you can perceive any situation you're in positively.
SupprimerHaven't seen a post from you lately. I hope all is well!
RépondreSupprimerLiving in the present, mostly alone, i need that time for myself right now, all is well, thanks.
SupprimerIf it is not to obtain the object of our desire, what is the purpose of life?
RépondreSupprimerMaybe to feel good at simply Being!
SupprimerInterestingly i read that comment right after i post a new text and i'm thinking strangely it's kind of related, so here are more clues about my own conception of one's life, mine, then it's for each one to search to be fine in one's life, to find a balance, personally i precisely define what is my way of living happily, and it's getting clearer and clearer, but perhaps it's only good for me alone, though i'm interested in a general behavior that will fit to anyone, for everybody to be happy together, also my concern is not to impose anything, i do this mainly for myself, to be fine in my life, if people follow the same path then fine, so the saying goes "the meaning of life is to give life a meaning" so each one chooses what makes oneself happy, the point is obviously to be constantly fine and not have regular breakdowns, highs and downs, and that is hard to achieve that mindset to be fine with oneself in the simplest, it requires to let go, to live here and now, and not lost in the projections of the mind, the fake ideas, the fake self, just here an now with that body and what's around, and be open, welcoming and accepting (and as i state in my next post give faith in your personal being, don't be burn in others and other things, be strong and happy to be only that Being.)