mardi 26 mars 2013

No Thing is important Now!

It's interesting to think how much there's nothing noticeable with me,
i am unremarkable, medium, average, (sometimes plus plus)
I heard about and graze a lot of different things but i'm not really good at anything,
I don't even have a job, i'm useless for society,
I'm definitely not pretty but i'm also not necessarily ugly in the way that i keep myself healthy,
I'm not talented in any way but i'm curious and kind,
(I got sometimes that line "you're a good person", and that's it,  nothing more, nothing less, nothing else, nothing exciting, how random, how prosaic!)
I can tell that i think outside the spiral, i'm like a free electron, fast and fragile, in its own space,
Never really attached to any group, my mind isn't gregarious, to support that belief that i can only trust myself alone, others will always be conjectures and question marks,
I feel an inner peace to be able to describe and assemble what would be my ideal world, the basic rules, in which i will act how i feel good to act with the absolute certainty that it's right for all and everyone (but without expecting it),
In my mind i can be unknown, unoticeable, unloved, like it is, and finally that state is an equilibrium,
it is even and stable, there's a peace to accept that,
to live with no need and to smile alone.
And at the same time to be open for humanity and the worlds to collapse over me.

Because no thing, no people, no object, no job, no art, no matter, wood, metal, flesh, paint, juice, blood, gold, no word, ink, paper, mail, song, book, no plant, no tree, no cloud, no air, no tatoo, no garment, no concept, no emotion, no move, no kiss, Lalalala, is more important than Being and respect Being in the simplest, Nothing!

mardi 5 mars 2013

"Why the removal of a pain brings less joy than the end of a joy brings pain? It is that when in grief you think about the happiness it deprives you, while when in happiness, you don't think about the suffering that spares you; it is that it is natural for you to be happy."

When you are happy you don't think about the woes that you avoid, but when you are unhappy you think about all the joys that you miss, and that's exactly what brings unhappiness, to be happy one must stop to want, to desir (for me "not desiring" doesn't mean being unable to enjoy things and people, there's a dimension of respect in "enjoy", "appreciate", that is not in "desire" which sounds rather tragic and brutal), stop also to possess, and project.

"That humans, until now, have been able to raise up to well-being, the very one allowing happiness, only by depending on others, by settling onto them, here is what we must not admit anymore. I also don't admit that the majority (the mass) has to renounce on this earth to that happiness born naturally from harmony."

("The phrases deceive us, because the language imposes on us more logic that there really is in life; the most precious of ourselves is what stays unformulated.")

Quotes from "Fruits of the Earth" by André GIDE

(Not easy for me to translate that high and clever piece of litterature, but it has so much impact in me i had to try to share it)