mardi 24 mai 2011

can't win against nature

I was slowly shuffling my feet around the apartment, moving in random circles, focused on my new pretty book

--- who took me to beautiful places, rivers with mirror glows, winding down a desertic land of scorched grass and thorn bushes, scattered with tiny and fragile white flowers, all under the penetrating blue of a crushing sky, the same i've got here right now---

soon i heard a puny mew, i tried to stay indifferent, to dive deeper in what i was reading, and the meow continued, lancinating, i've seen that cat, he's familiar, and the sadness of his pitiful cry made me lean to the window, i was right, my gaze fell on the scrawny body of that black kitten, stretching, his front paws laid on a window sill below, he was begging to enter the opposite house, interrupted in my reading i was stunned, the calls of the poor creature touched my sensitivity, i couldn't move, in a sunray i paused, thinking i wanted to go down and bring him butter or ham, i wanted to make him my friend, that we tame each other, kneeled with my arm reaching out to him, he would come suspicious at first then sniff the tip of my fingers, and let me touch him, i thought him at least will give me back my care, so that's how it works, from my perch i sudenly saw him turn his sharpened head and watch me with his giant yellow eyes, with hardly no pupils because of the brigthness outside, -- a killer --, he was searching for a little shade, a little meal, a little caress, that black, that black knocked me down, hiding in my lair with a jaded attitude, pretending to be tough to my own eyes... , no, my heart bleeds easily, this simple cat surely put a scratch on it, and a tear to my soul.

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