mercredi 28 avril 2010

Sense of Clarity

I need to stay in touch, sometimes i feel i could give myself entirely, irremediably, like the girls in the ancient romantic fables, you can see who you want, you can go out, with who you want, you can share, you can touch who you want, those don't have to be judge by me, i just want to be able to sit on the moon to see you from time to time, allow me to send passionate letters, and share the subjects i discover everyday, i want to be close, and if you want me away for ever, you can send me an explicit note and i'll disapear like i never existed.

lundi 19 avril 2010


"..she was very quiet, very reserved, ultra ultra shy, the last person in the world who'll call attention to herself, and yet put a microphone in her hand, march her up on a stage and she was just magnetic."

vendredi 16 avril 2010

Act now

I don't want to become bitter, my well being will be attained through acts. People with grievances always end up hurting others or themselves, this is not a path to follow, the solution to get rid of all bitterness and be more respectful toward all existence is to act now, we surely know what we have to do, we only have to ignore all that's against us, the fears, all that's negative and only listen to our inner voice, the voice of nature, speaking for our good, we shackle our own mind, we have the power to decide to act right now and free ourselves.

First step, a call, verbalizing what we want, now. Then think, use our reasoning and find a respectful way to fulfill our needs. All is possible if we decide it now, respecting everything, starting by Ourself.

If you encounter something, someone, that don't match what you are, just pass your way, search for what is good for you, always in respect of things and people.

Learn and be tolerant.

mercredi 14 avril 2010

What isn't frivolous?!

Summarily :
Listening to our natural needs those who keep us alive, physically and mentally, a sane mind in an healthy body, all the rest of our interests and activities are slight and insignificant. Period.

lundi 12 avril 2010

"Cette Petite Mort"

"The band was formed in 1997 and, after years of viral self promotion, (including phoning record companies pretending to be other bands promoting Karma To Burn) were signed to Roadrunner Records in 1996. They were planning to release an entirely instrumental album, but Roadrunner stared that the contract was only valid under the condition that they hired a vocalist. After a brief trial of then Kyuss frontman John Garcia, they hired a friend of theirs Jay Jarosz. Their first album Karma To Burn was released in 1997, and despite critical acclaim, sold poorly. The band decided to sack Jarosz and as such were fired from Roadrunner. They have continued to be an instrumental band ever since."

mardi 6 avril 2010

The Key

I think i'll be scared all my life, i have to accept it, make my mind and abandon many things i'd like to experience, things i'd like to be, things i'd like to learn, i'll never reach my real potential in so many categories because the fear of the judgement, my lack of self esteem will always drag me down, physically and mentally, my body shakes, my head goes blank, i'm unable to move as swiftly as i know i can and i'm unable to think as deeply as i could when people are around, which means no one, absolutely no one will know my true abilities, my true knowledge, and because our value is so strongly based on others, i'll never be great at anything, no good, nor handsome, with all my efforts to keep my chin up in this world i'll always be this average human being in the reminiscence of people crossing my path, and i fight to stay average, and i'm tired now, i'm tired to be less than i could be if my mind wasn't fucked up, how could i gain some self confidence now, my only hope is to encounter someone who will try to see beyond the black layer of fears surrounding me, if i could feel accepted i want to believe i'll slowly drop my inhibitions to be what i really am inside, this can't be done with masses, it takes time, how many time, i don't know, maybe it depends on the person who will sincerely want to know me, i lost so much time, i could never go back, my body is rotting implacably, but i need to keep hope that someone somewhere could set me free of myself.

vendredi 2 avril 2010

The Perfect Light

-"... the truth of the scholar, alone in his study, does not always match with what the mass of the world sees as the truth."

While wishing to head for
The depths of the mountains,
I'm pushed against my will
Toward places
Where people live.

jeudi 1 avril 2010

an Education

------------------"I mean, ------- College and their... and their 100 years of tradition. But tradition of what?

Of hazing kids and humiliating anyone who's a little bit different? Of putting
so much pressure on kids they turn into these... these stress freaks and caffeine addicts.

You can have your grades, and your rules and your structure, and your ivory towers, and then we'll do things our way.

Why do we have to conform to what you want?

You know what? You're a criminal. 'Cause you rob these kids of their creativity and their passion.

Did... Did the system really work out for you? Did it teach you to follow your heart, or to just play it safe, roll over?
What about you guys? Did you always want to be school administrators? was that your dream?
Or maybe no, maybe you wanted to be a poet. Maybe you wanted to be a magician or an artist. Maybe you just wanted to travel the world.

Life was full of possibilities.

'Cause you don't need teachers or classrooms or... or fancy highbrow traditions or money to really learn. You just need people with a desire to better themselves."------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Accepted . 2006]