When we perform a task which can be (doing the dishes, reading a text, playing basketball, brushing our teeth ...) and that we're completely focused on this task, it means to have all our senses on alert around this action, then our muscles will work more and we'll spend more energy, learning will be more effective and we'll remember things better (for the actions and informations that are not yet "habits"), the memory will store more informations on what we are doing; so the goal is to avoid any informations that surrounds us at the moment and turn all our senses toward the collect of informations about the task that we're doing (ex : if we want to memorize the most informations about a text that we're reading then we must put aside all the parasitical informations around like noises, objects with their color and shape, the room smells ... so at this moment all our senses should be concentrated on this text, we have to mentally recreate images, sounds, smells that represent what we're reading) ; It should be noted that some tasks become habits (tying his shoes or simply the configuration of his own room are engraved in our memory);
The brain will be able to find back links to such acquired informations and the actions will become almost "reflex", it is the result of learning, of repetition, we don't have to think to tie our shoelaces, this is acquired, we can do this action while thinking something else and the result will be correct. When we are tired, when we have a lack of energy, either by a lack of sleep or food, we can be easily disturbed by the "informations" around, we have a hard time "to focus" and therefore learning difficulties (to "store" informations in our brain).
Let's define what it is therefore important to memorize for ourself by being focused this way, what knowledge and what skills. For my part I chose to give importance to things that are linked with positive emotions, it is the best way to be honest with myself and find who i really am ...... ;
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