But one can say that since our emotions are caused by a conditioning (and for me it is clear) from birth (by our experiences, our environment, our education etc ... there are many points to consider on this subject), with probably a part of heredity (so some innate tendencies), what happens if our emotions are biased, if our body produces chemicals that trigger fear or welfare at times where you should not feel that (a lot of phobias are a conditioning to be afraid of something that eventually will never touch us, why some people feels joy in pain! this is due to chemical reactions initiated by the body, but i'll come back on this another day), so if what we feel is biased we got to relativize, being rational, analyze the situation and make a logical choice to reject such a fear (some may be terrorized by spiders, but in France they are harmless and it is not the little beast that will eat the fat); to be the most logical possible, one must wanting to incline toward "the absolute truth" about all the subjects that make our universe; we can never be sure of what we know, man has invented the being who possess the absolute truth and it's God who by his omniscience, see and know everything; but we, mere humans, to be closer to the way things really happen around us, we can only search for informations and store them in our brain! Retrieve informations everywhere, in the books, on the net, think by ourselves, and then compare and ask others, to our fellow humans what is their vision on a particular topic, and absorb and select it to build our own truth; In this world nothing is done by chance and everything has a cause, one has to wanting to know the causes by seeing the consequences, in order to understand and achieve the ultimate operation of the universe.
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