The brain also stores "unconscious" informations, it means informations that has not been considered important to remember, but which a vague idea was stored somewhere; exemple : being entered at someone's appartement only once we will be able to remember the color of the walls or floor, the brain will be able to record that in this person's appartment the tones were bright, therefore : yellow, white or beige; this was not considered as important to remember, we did not stay the face pasted against the ground detailing the color and roughness of this one but the brain has after all recorded bits of informations on what we have seen, smelled, heard, etc. ... All this probably associated with the image of the person living in that place.
Therefore, imagine the phenomenal amount of informations, provided by our senses, to process of all kind of way by the different parts of our brain.
vendredi 30 janvier 2009
mercredi 28 janvier 2009
Let go of his fears is a gain of freedom and serenity
The fear of death is one of the most oppressive and most prevalent in the world, get rid of it is obtaining a great freedom, a great inner peace as it is written in the Hagakure, the book of the way of the Samurai, i believe that is true; for this fear (these fears) to disappear we have to accustom ourselves to it (mentally, empirically).
mardi 27 janvier 2009
Attitude in action...
When we perform a task which can be (doing the dishes, reading a text, playing basketball, brushing our teeth ...) and that we're completely focused on this task, it means to have all our senses on alert around this action, then our muscles will work more and we'll spend more energy, learning will be more effective and we'll remember things better (for the actions and informations that are not yet "habits"), the memory will store more informations on what we are doing; so the goal is to avoid any informations that surrounds us at the moment and turn all our senses toward the collect of informations about the task that we're doing (ex : if we want to memorize the most informations about a text that we're reading then we must put aside all the parasitical informations around like noises, objects with their color and shape, the room smells ... so at this moment all our senses should be concentrated on this text, we have to mentally recreate images, sounds, smells that represent what we're reading) ; It should be noted that some tasks become habits (tying his shoes or simply the configuration of his own room are engraved in our memory);
The brain will be able to find back links to such acquired informations and the actions will become almost "reflex", it is the result of learning, of repetition, we don't have to think to tie our shoelaces, this is acquired, we can do this action while thinking something else and the result will be correct. When we are tired, when we have a lack of energy, either by a lack of sleep or food, we can be easily disturbed by the "informations" around, we have a hard time "to focus" and therefore learning difficulties (to "store" informations in our brain).
Let's define what it is therefore important to memorize for ourself by being focused this way, what knowledge and what skills. For my part I chose to give importance to things that are linked with positive emotions, it is the best way to be honest with myself and find who i really am ...... ;
... and reflection

But one can say that since our emotions are caused by a conditioning (and for me it is clear) from birth (by our experiences, our environment, our education etc ... there are many points to consider on this subject), with probably a part of heredity (so some innate tendencies), what happens if our emotions are biased, if our body produces chemicals that trigger fear or welfare at times where you should not feel that (a lot of phobias are a conditioning to be afraid of something that eventually will never touch us, why some people feels joy in pain! this is due to chemical reactions initiated by the body, but i'll come back on this another day), so if what we feel is biased we got to relativize, being rational, analyze the situation and make a logical choice to reject such a fear (some may be terrorized by spiders, but in France they are harmless and it is not the little beast that will eat the fat); to be the most logical possible, one must wanting to incline toward "the absolute truth" about all the subjects that make our universe; we can never be sure of what we know, man has invented the being who possess the absolute truth and it's God who by his omniscience, see and know everything; but we, mere humans, to be closer to the way things really happen around us, we can only search for informations and store them in our brain! Retrieve informations everywhere, in the books, on the net, think by ourselves, and then compare and ask others, to our fellow humans what is their vision on a particular topic, and absorb and select it to build our own truth; In this world nothing is done by chance and everything has a cause, one has to wanting to know the causes by seeing the consequences, in order to understand and achieve the ultimate operation of the universe.
lundi 26 janvier 2009
Random ideas on the functioning of the brain
Our brain is capable of holding an impressive amount of informations collected through our senses (touch, sight, hearing etc ...) and we can associate as we wish these informations between them, our feelings are also stored in our brains (what makes us good or bad, what causes positive or negative emotions), it is thanks to this huge database that man is capable of creating. That is why it is important to create a database as complete as possible; babies by touching everything that comes to hand and putting it in their mouth are simply building their database. With this one they will be able to invent stories, to recognize objects in the dark, to visualize the picture of a flower just by smelling its scent, to recognize his parents by telephone.
The most complex Human creations are simply the result of a combination of informations contained in the database of the brain; scientific discoveries and technological advances always use what has been done in the past (nothing is totally originally created), man do an association of informations with the data in his brain, then tests his idea, which is working or not working but will grow the list of datas on this particular subject and every human being could use them.
For a man to be competent in a special domain he must store lots of informations on the selected domain until create "habits", the more we see or use the informations on a subject then the brain could more easily retrace the informations; the connections between neurons that allow us to recall informations deteriorate if they are not "refreshed" or "practiced", however, if the information was considered important to remember when you recorded it in your brain it will take much longer to erase. The memory of a deceased loved one remains much longer than the inside decoration of the lounge of a guy I saw two times in my life.
So, again, to be effective in an area we must create habits in order for our brain to bring back the datas much faster.
To memorize an information we must have decided that it is important to remember it, therefore we must have interest in this information, and the process of recording datas will be different if the subject does not interest us; one point which gives an interest in an information is the emotion it provokes; having an aboundant database allow to do association of ideas and thus facilitate the Learning (to be able to make a link between informations gives us an idea on a topic related to this info that we don't experienced).
So, building a large database (thanks to my senses, and analysis of it) and search for what causes me positive emotions, here is what will be my life philosophy.
The most complex Human creations are simply the result of a combination of informations contained in the database of the brain; scientific discoveries and technological advances always use what has been done in the past (nothing is totally originally created), man do an association of informations with the data in his brain, then tests his idea, which is working or not working but will grow the list of datas on this particular subject and every human being could use them.
For a man to be competent in a special domain he must store lots of informations on the selected domain until create "habits", the more we see or use the informations on a subject then the brain could more easily retrace the informations; the connections between neurons that allow us to recall informations deteriorate if they are not "refreshed" or "practiced", however, if the information was considered important to remember when you recorded it in your brain it will take much longer to erase. The memory of a deceased loved one remains much longer than the inside decoration of the lounge of a guy I saw two times in my life.
So, again, to be effective in an area we must create habits in order for our brain to bring back the datas much faster.
To memorize an information we must have decided that it is important to remember it, therefore we must have interest in this information, and the process of recording datas will be different if the subject does not interest us; one point which gives an interest in an information is the emotion it provokes; having an aboundant database allow to do association of ideas and thus facilitate the Learning (to be able to make a link between informations gives us an idea on a topic related to this info that we don't experienced).
So, building a large database (thanks to my senses, and analysis of it) and search for what causes me positive emotions, here is what will be my life philosophy.
dimanche 25 janvier 2009
The painted Bird
samedi 24 janvier 2009
The Way to Happiness.
Seek a way of being, a way of living, a way of thinking, seek your own personnal WAY in wich your happiness will depend only on YOU and seek your own way to define and touch happiness.
(thanks Olia)
(thanks Olia)
Developing curiosity, Avoiding stupidity
For those who like me have values of authenticity and honesty the TV is a torture! All that is represented is fake, a script is designed for the actions even for emissions in documentary style, the taste of futility through the appearance and depersonalized, besotting mass values are gradually implanted in the brains, it's a conditionning for an elite comfortably settled on the shoulders of the populace; The mercantile society is praised through the screen and the power of decision, of individual consideration is drained, the willingness to recognize the irrefutable realities of this world is entirely censored; The television serves undoubtedly the degradation and control of the masses.
Awake you instead and go yourself in search of the informations, the maieutics and the exacerbation of curiosity is the best way to capture a bit of knowledge about this world to discover. Internet hugely facilitates things, do not be afraid to dig, to grope around, to compare and question the informations.
Believing in his uniqueness
Imagination, genius, talent is never constant, it appears along the life of a person, obviously it is more common in some than others; Nobody is perpetually great and everyone can show increased imagination at one moment in his life; one must find his predilection field, in which the ingenious occurrences abound.
Pebbles in the head. (the Memories)
(We attach pictures, sounds, songs or melodies with emotions and we sow these pieces of ourselves on the banks of the stream of our life like small packets intense and fragile; Withering nature takes us whatever we do and sometimes we turn to cry, regret or bitterly smile and counting the melancholy substance indefinitely seeping from our human condition; Memories fade away though a simple glow can revive them for our huge despair; before this fact how we couldn't suffer from ultimately being candles with wax thoughts on a drifting barque.)
Rethink of what we were and what we felt at a moment in our lives will always be painful, constantly reminding us that we are moving towards a certain death. We'll live times no less intense, but each associations of images, sounds, smells ... therefore formed by our senses and the analysis of this experience, so each association is unique, and once gone won't reappear ever; only debased memories remain which inevitalby twist the heart.
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