dimanche 15 mars 2015

Here's a thought to ponder :

Behind every problem, behind every suffering in this world there is human greediness, because the one getting richer (or wanting to add to what he thinks he is) do it to the detriment of someone or something else, and the one functioning on his mental (through the ego) will never be satisfied.

2 commentaires:

  1. That's a good point. There is always a person or some organization benefitting from others suffering. Pharmaceuticals are a great example of that, why treat an illness or work to discover a cure when you can get someone hooked on a drug to prolong the problem... keeping it at bay and the money flowing in. It starts early in our lives, a bully steals your lunch and you go hungry...a coworker gets a promotion and you hit the curb. It's that expression, a dog eat dog world.

    1. Yeah there's examples everywhere. But it doesn't have to be like that, we would be all happier in consciousness, helping each others. Here's a commercial i saw the other day that made me react : they sell gums to whiten your teeth after you drank your coffee.... how stupid is that, they sell you the problem then they sell you a crappy irrational solution. If your goal is to have white teeth then stop drinking coffee all the time and maybe drink something healthier instead, like water!!! People want everything without dropping anything, again a proof of human greediness.
