Do you think fireworks are pretty? Overwhelming colors and twinkling in the night sky cadenced by a long series of deafening explosions? Why would that be alluring and stupefying?! Are we attracted by lights like bugs? are we thrilled over displays of immoderate grandeur?!
I've got nothing against fireworks, even as i recognize it's all going to smoke and dust, and it must be rather costly; some men put effort into mastering a precise ability about fireworks, i give credit to the will and motivation people can put into learning and doing something right.
But why in our actual days feeling that we can only be impressed and entertained by tremendous and over the top events, to brag about how humongous it was to our many acquaintances and few friends, why, why, why can't we be happy and feel empowerment by humbly exploring how that planet is made in its natural form, walking into woods, swimming in rivers, or simply stopping and deeply sense and feel the greatness of what is already, all around us.
(I think those kind of ponderings that i have all the time and that i sometimes spoke aloud to the people around me earned me the label of being a chronic annoying Killjoy, always over thinking and trying to roll over and look under the heaviest rocks, most people find their pleasure and fun in forgetting and absence of reasoning.
Definitely - Not - My - Case! Sorry.)
(This post goes with the post below : learn to experience simple things with the love in you and you won't need fireworks to be entertained and feel fullfilled.)
dimanche 29 juin 2014
lundi 23 juin 2014
Why not a square apple?!
I'm thinking that to the core the ways the brain learns are few and that we find it frequently amongst humans all around the globe (some of those ways maybe does what we call "geniuses", and maybe the brain of an individual already has several ways to form and to record informations), probably what differentiate us the most, what makes us intellectually unique is the puzzle of informations that we all accumulate during our life, depending on our lifespan, and more or less large according to each one's curiosity, this pile of information is different in every one of us and makes us truly unique; thanks to imagination and using the bricks of informations i have stored i can create something that will have a meaning for myself only, therefore something i will be the only one to know the code to decypher the exact significance; a piece of writing, a painting, a musical score, an utensil, a line on a paper, a sculpture, if i want i can compilate some of the informations in my brain (randomly, or as i want, with my own logic) to expose a unique creation on which others could only imagine an inaccurate interpretation trying de match what they see (hear or taste...) with the pieces of information they have already stored in their brains during their life experience, so they never reconstruct the truth of the main author of this creation, even by asking him questions, and even if the author himself answers precisely and sincerely to those questions, because even the simplest object is created again in someone's mind through one's experiences and will necesarily be different from another, if i ask to think about an apple everyone will picture one's unique and personal apple as function of one's mental circuit, the amount of informations stored, the preferences etc...
So the moral is : be tolerant, because you could never read the mind of another one, accept it, and live positively with it.
(Here are my thoughts, i'm trying to build an opinion on that matter so i expose my pondering that's all! It came first in french so i share the french text too.)
[Et pourquoi pas une pomme carrée
On peut penser que les façons differentes d'apprendre du cerveau sont peu nombreuses et on les retrouve toutes frequement parmis les humains tout autour du globe (certaines des ces façons font peut etre les genies, et peut etre le cerveau d'un seul individu possede deja plusieurs façon de se former et d'enregistrer les informations), probablement ce qui nous differencie vraiment, ce qui nous rend tous unique intellectuellement c'est le puzzle d'informations que nous amassons tous au cour de notre vie, dependant de notre durée de vie, et plus ou moins important suivant la curiosité de chacun, cet amas d'information est different en chacun de nous et nous rend veritablement unique, grace à l'imagination en utilisant les briques d'information que j'aurais stocké je peux créé quelque chose qui n'aura de sens que pour moi seul, donc quelque chose dont je serais le seul à posséder le code pour en déchiffrer l'exact signification, un bout de texte, un tableau, un ustensil, un trait sur un papier, si je veux je peux compiler certaines des informations de mon cerveau (aleatoirement, ou comme il me plait, avec ma propre logique) pour exposer une creation unique dont les autres ne pourront faire qu'une interpretation inexact en essayant de reassembler ce qu'ils voient (entendent ou goutent...) grace au propre pieces d'information qu'ils auront eux meme stocké dans leurs cerveaux durant leur experience de vie, ils ne recomposeront donc jamais la vérité de l'auteur principal de cette creation, même en lui posant des questions, et même si l'auteur repond precisement, car même l'objet le plus simple est recréé dans l'esprit de quelqu'un à travers ces experiences et sera donc forcement different d'un autre, si je demande de penser à une pomme chacun va imaginer une pomme qui lui sera unique en fonction des circuits de son mental, des informations amassées, des images vues, des preferences etc... ]
So the moral is : be tolerant, because you could never read the mind of another one, accept it, and live positively with it.
(Here are my thoughts, i'm trying to build an opinion on that matter so i expose my pondering that's all! It came first in french so i share the french text too.)
[Et pourquoi pas une pomme carrée
On peut penser que les façons differentes d'apprendre du cerveau sont peu nombreuses et on les retrouve toutes frequement parmis les humains tout autour du globe (certaines des ces façons font peut etre les genies, et peut etre le cerveau d'un seul individu possede deja plusieurs façon de se former et d'enregistrer les informations), probablement ce qui nous differencie vraiment, ce qui nous rend tous unique intellectuellement c'est le puzzle d'informations que nous amassons tous au cour de notre vie, dependant de notre durée de vie, et plus ou moins important suivant la curiosité de chacun, cet amas d'information est different en chacun de nous et nous rend veritablement unique, grace à l'imagination en utilisant les briques d'information que j'aurais stocké je peux créé quelque chose qui n'aura de sens que pour moi seul, donc quelque chose dont je serais le seul à posséder le code pour en déchiffrer l'exact signification, un bout de texte, un tableau, un ustensil, un trait sur un papier, si je veux je peux compiler certaines des informations de mon cerveau (aleatoirement, ou comme il me plait, avec ma propre logique) pour exposer une creation unique dont les autres ne pourront faire qu'une interpretation inexact en essayant de reassembler ce qu'ils voient (entendent ou goutent...) grace au propre pieces d'information qu'ils auront eux meme stocké dans leurs cerveaux durant leur experience de vie, ils ne recomposeront donc jamais la vérité de l'auteur principal de cette creation, même en lui posant des questions, et même si l'auteur repond precisement, car même l'objet le plus simple est recréé dans l'esprit de quelqu'un à travers ces experiences et sera donc forcement different d'un autre, si je demande de penser à une pomme chacun va imaginer une pomme qui lui sera unique en fonction des circuits de son mental, des informations amassées, des images vues, des preferences etc... ]
lundi 16 juin 2014
jeudi 12 juin 2014
FAT women and FAT men generalities*
Here's something i observed :
Mostly, obese and morbidly obese men are single (and desperate eh), while obese and morbidly obese women often have one or two kids and a husband generally slim and healthy.
Off of this we could think (and here we go back to all men and all women) :
One proeminent trait in most women is that they are superficial and will never date a fat man, and that most men are obssessed by sex (they have a high sex drive) and are ready to start a couple with anyone as long as they have the security of sex (so that they can satisfy that drive).
Well that's a negative way to put it, because i think that set up is perfectly natural and logical if we consider that the animal instinct in a woman pushes her to have an healthy and fit offspring, while the animal instinct in a man pushes him to spread his genes. So a man won't be stopped by the size and look of a woman to reproduce and a woman will seek the fittest and healthiest partner in the young and the pretty ones to have healthy and pretty babies.
*no offense intended
Morality : if you want a lasting relation with someone, never base it on physical intimacy, or be aware of that trend and use it punctually, because men are programmed to desire to spread their genes through many partners, and women are programmed to want to stick to the healthiest ones.
Mostly, obese and morbidly obese men are single (and desperate eh), while obese and morbidly obese women often have one or two kids and a husband generally slim and healthy.
Off of this we could think (and here we go back to all men and all women) :
One proeminent trait in most women is that they are superficial and will never date a fat man, and that most men are obssessed by sex (they have a high sex drive) and are ready to start a couple with anyone as long as they have the security of sex (so that they can satisfy that drive).
Well that's a negative way to put it, because i think that set up is perfectly natural and logical if we consider that the animal instinct in a woman pushes her to have an healthy and fit offspring, while the animal instinct in a man pushes him to spread his genes. So a man won't be stopped by the size and look of a woman to reproduce and a woman will seek the fittest and healthiest partner in the young and the pretty ones to have healthy and pretty babies.
*no offense intended
Morality : if you want a lasting relation with someone, never base it on physical intimacy, or be aware of that trend and use it punctually, because men are programmed to desire to spread their genes through many partners, and women are programmed to want to stick to the healthiest ones.
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