dimanche 22 septembre 2013

Death takes everything from you except who you truly are.

2 commentaires:

  1. what is the meaning of these photos paired with this deep thought??

    1. Probably that even memories are useless, and it's just something i did recently, i was granted the right to enter because i had that wristband, and i didn't throw it away afterwards, that's several days i keep it, i sleep with it, i shower with it, there's no way to untie it, it has to be rip apart, it makes me feel like i'm one of those patients in a terminal phase of a great illness, i notice that in hospital scenes in movies, whatever is written on it, it makes me feel like i'm tattered, a near dead warrior coming back from battle as a hero, soon to disapear, and caressed by everyone, it gives a balance in my complexion, a point of sight, and emphasizes the sharpness of the muscles in my arm. That sounds a bit delirious isn't it?! whatever i exert my imagination. eh eh!
