The wind is whipping my face and my mouth is already full of sand, i see from that ten meters high plateau the reckless waves below, in a dark blue, raging like a storm under a sky so perfectly clear, and that stupid dog jumping at me, unable to climb straight the steep crumbly cliff, i smile when he tumbles and stick his nose in the wet sand, leaving behind the goofy print of his pitiful attempt, even his master is laughing "oh clumsy dog!" a gust of wind brings her words to me.
I admired, before standing on the edge, the long row of dead pine trees still rooted proud up that height, revealing the hoary rotten surface where the bark had fell, along the trunks only stumps, all the branches broke down for the kids and pets to play with, throw, catch, good boy! *ironic*
I watch far across the ocean, it's my time to jump, i've always been a burning head, here's my surge, my leap of faith, come with me.

oh my god that you really do that?